After the approval of Uttarakhand Chief Minister Pushkar Singh Dhami, the State Finance Department has issued orders for a 4 per cent increase in dearness allowance to state employees and pensioners. With this order, the DA of employees has increased from 42 to 46 per cent in the state. Uttarakhand: CM Pushkar Singh Dhami Led-Government Increases Dearness Allowance of Employees, Pensioners to 46%.
India News: The Uniform Civil Code will soon be implemented in Uttarakhand, Chief Minister Pushkar Singh Dhami has said. The bill for its implementation will be t
“Around 52 meters of pipes have been inserted. Efforts are on to push remaining pipes. We hope to get a breakthrough soon,” Chief Minister Pushkar Singh, who camps at the tunnel collapse site. CM Dhami said the teams of rescuers are working at the site with full energy.
Uttarakhand Tunnel Collapse Updates: On November 12, labourers got trapped as portions of the Silkyara-Dandalgaon under-construction tunnel on the Brahmkhal-Yamunotri highway collapse following a landslide at around 5.30 am on the day of Diwali