nor was it a ploy to generate free publicity, but i love the story. harry morehouse is the cofounder of moo click boo. he joins me tonight. what s the philosophy here? you re paying a living wage. your people will make $31,200 a year on 40 hours a week for 52 weeks. what s the philosophy? why are you doing this? because it s the right thing to do, ed. that s what we thought from the beginning. and when we opened in april, we were paying $12 an hour right out of the gate. then when we saw people demonstrating for $15, we wanted to get in step with that. what kind of response are you getting from the community? well, the community loves us. we get a lot of people that come in and shake our hands. and of course there s naysayers that think we re going to ruin the industry by somehow contributing to inflation.