We had 11 players for mahjongg on May 23. Taking first was Clem Moors with 130, second went to Stephanie Lattiny and third place went to Patt Gulliver with 115.
Only five players May 16 but had an immensely enjoyable afternoon. Pat Hynds took first place with a score of 120, Bonnie Kellen took second with 60 and Clem Mo
Nine players enjoyed mahjongg Thursday, May 9, at the St. James City Civic Center. Taking first place was Clem Moors with 105, Sandy Sacco was second with 100 a
It was a fun afternoon at mahjongg Thursday, April 4, as we got to grips with the new mahjongg card. The top scorers were Terry Wilbur with 150 points, Clem
We had 5 tables of play at mahjongg Thursday, the first day of February. Welcome to Ann Reier. Top scorers were Joyce Bieber with 185 points. Paula Bruckner s