Only five players May 16 but had an immensely enjoyable afternoon. Pat Hynds took first place with a score of 120, Bonnie Kellen took second with 60 and Clem Mo
We had 11 players for mahjongg, Dec. 21. It was good to welcome Diane back to the group. Judy Burchianti was the highest scorer with 155 points. Coming in secon
We had 8 players at the Moose on Sept. 28, enjoying a great lunch. Top scorers were Bonnie Kellen with 95 points, Clem Moors with 150 and Linda Yannick with 220
We were 10 ladies playing mahjongg Sept. 21. We were happy to welcome back Kim White. Top scorers were Judy Burchianti with 105 points, Kim White with 145 and
With only 8 games, Clem Moors came out on top scoring 110 points. Second, Bonnie Kellen rolled in with 80 points. Close behind was Stephanie LaHines scoring 75