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Liverpool Waterfront loses World Heritage status Lyndon Lloyd Wednesday, 21 July, 2021
In a move that has been anticipated for a while, Unesco, citing years of development for an “irreversible loss” to the historic value of its Victorian docks have removed Liverpool s waterfront of its World Heritage Site status. Following a secret ballot
at the latest session of the World Heritage Committee China today, the heritage body declared that the “outstanding universal value” of Liverpool s Maritime Mercantile City has been irrevocably compromised by new construction, including plans for Everton s new 52,000-seater stadium at Bramley-Moore Dock.
The decision is seen by many as a blow for the city s prestige and tourism, particularly as Liverpool is only the third place to lose World Heritage Status in nearly 50 years while others have long regarded Unesco and the heritage site designation as holding bac