It was really funny. I think Zach Galifianakis to a little funnier than the president. Of the first time and said, theyre so funny. I watched it again, and zach was so funny. Serious news. Is one steptric closer to getting out of the Consumer Lending business. The company is registered to file for an ipo of its north American Finance unit. They plan to complete the ipo later this year. Callediness will be synchrony financial. The Biggest Investment Bank may be taking a hit in the first quarter. According to jp morgan, revenue from trading them under running, and m a may follow total of 11 simply because clients are cutting back. And also the biggest losers will be barclays and hsbc. Nothing toys it has hide. The government denying reports the missing jet flew for several hours after the last reported radar contact. U. S. Investigators increasingly suspect that whatever happened to the plane did in fact involve a criminal act. We want to bring you to bloomberg investigations into of the
consequences of this policy. on surplus, when i first came to this committee, is explained to me as walking around money for people on the ground to health. i remember if you help fix the store front in baghdad, that can do more to stabilize i never could than many of the things we could be doing great to do that quickly and efficiently is great. what has happened in afghanistan with the $1.6 billion, 67% is on projects that are bigger than $500,000. that is big stuff, and i am worried that we do not have a single data base on this. it s not monitoring and oversight on these large projects. who is in the command who is the person that signs off on sometimes multimillion-dollar projects, much bigger than fixing a window in the storefront or what i believe surplus was intended to do? inside my command now, it goes by levels of spending. i signed some, others have to go to general petreaus for approval, but i absolutely agree that there is a need for walking around money a