Everyone. Thank you so much for joInIng us thIs mornIng. Welcome to Sunday MornIng futures, Im marIa bartIromo. Today, Iran on Its heels and On The Run as the Supreme Leader Is taken to the a secure locatIon fearIng Israel after Israel decImates hezbollah, takIng out another longtIme leader of the terrorIst group. As the BIdenharrIs AdmInIstratIon faIls to respond to Irans Act of war, threatenIng and hackIng a former presIdent. ComIng up, former dIrecter of natIonal IntellIgence John RatclIffe on Israels Pushback of a Threefront War as amerIcan adversarIes contInue on the march. Plus, my exclusIve wIth presIdent Andres Duda of poland on RussIas Assault on ukraIne and the world as he urges polIshamerIcans to go out and vote In electIon 2024. Plus, the state of the races wIth PresIdent Trumps son and the executIve VIce PresIdent of the Trump OrganIzatIon. Donald Trump Jr. Is here on the attacks, the world on fIre and the polls. Plus, bad polIcy gone deadly. VIce presIdent Kamala HarrIs f
Everyone. Thank you so much for joining us this morning. Welcome to Sunday Morning futures, im maria bartiromo. Today, iran on its heels and On The Run as the Supreme Leader is taken to the a secure location fearing israel after israel decimates hezbollah, taking out another longtime leader of the terrorist group. As the Bidenharris Administration fails to respond to Irans Act of war, threatening and hacking a former president. Coming up, former directer of national intelligence John Ratcliffe on Israels Pushback of a Threefront War as american adversaries continue on the march. Plus, my exclusive with president Andres Duda of poland on Russias Assault on ukraine and the world as he urges polishamericans to go out and vote in election 2024. Plus, the state of the races with President Trumps son and the executive Vice President of the Trump Organization. Donald Trump Jr. Is here on the attacks, the world on fire and the polls. Plus, bad policy gone deadly. Vice president Kamala Harris f
Okay. Okay. All rIght. Good afternoon. Theyre. All rIgh gought. L stay but. But only for one drInk. S Its frIday, so you knowo Yo What that means. Lets welcome tonIghts guests. HIs razors are the opposIte of act, not terrIble. ComedIan and founder of Wester N Razor company davId angelo. She says bless your heart. Before she rIps you apart. Cohost the Bottom LIne at fox busIness. Do you gIve a call and he madesI hIs bones kIll It. Bad guys wIth drones, Fox NatIonal SecurIty Analyst and Fox News ContrIbutor brad kItzmIller, comIccontrI[cht from havIng scabIes to makIng babIes. New york tImes best SellIng Author bucks. ThIs contrIbutor got to. Ats my favorIte rhyme scabIes In babIes Is accurate awesome. All rIght. Thaaccurate some news storIes, lets do thIs. Yeah. The Open Dregs leftovers. Mm yeah, Its leftovers the where I read the jokes we dId use thIs week. And as always Its my fIrst tIme readIng them. So If they , well send Joe Mackeyd not to vIew dresseda cupcake. Donald trump Is pla
[national anthem] [national anthem] [national anthem] [cheers and applause] pete: if your photos, our nation s anthem on the final day of august, august 31st, year of our lord, 2024, and here we are at 6 a. M. We re ready. I think we re ready. Maybe. Rachel or, good to see you. Rachel: i m ready, but i m not ready. By the way, good morning, joey. I m not ready for summer to be over. I notice people had all these photos of their boats and water skiing and feel taking kids tubing. My kids start school next week, and i m just not ready. I love summer so much, joey. Joey: down south we start early, andin know i didn t know that until i started coming up here. August 6th is when we start, i had at least five things we didn t do this her rachel: like what is? joey: i wanted to do a weekend trip to the beach, just stuff like that, fun things i wanted to do with my kids in between my son being a fanatic about his running and going to the the running camp and stuff like that. We didn
greg: you hear the music. thank you so. all right, use, well, that was amazing. i wish i smoke it is friday so you know what that means less welcome to nice guess, you may recognize him come from hism feature an average white guyfr magazine, hamas a fox and friends, todd hi row. sue and. [applause] & f [applause] thanks former, comes freshly squeezed, serious 6m morgan ortega s. [applause]f t [applause] and it is been 12 years since she tested positive for food,os new york timesit best-selling authore fo, contributor prayed. [applause]aumpf! back at the great barrier getsan his liver, new york times is selling author and comedian world champion pirate. [applause] and before we get to some new stories on us do this. great time left over. s leftovers were army did j jokes that we diokd not use this week and that s always is myk. first time reading them that s on the sock, will put joe back in meatgrinder entertainment of hot dogs. here we go, fingers crossed,