Amid the G20 Summit, UK Prime Minister Rishi Sunak and his spouse Akshata Murty paid a visit to the BAPS Swaminarayan Akshardham Temple in New Delhi on a Sunday. During their tour, they engaged in conversations with the temple s Swamis, who offered them an in-depth introduction to this expansive spiritual and cultural complex spanning 100 acres.
Prime Minister Narendra Modi, who led the two-day G20 Leaders Summit 2023, has announced the conclusion of the mega event. He congratulated Brazilian President Luiz InĂ¡cio Lula da Silva as he handed over the presidency. As the G20 Summit concludes, watch the key takeaways and outcomes of the Summit.
G20 Meeting: A Chinese think tank affiliated with the country s top spy agency criticized India for pushing its own agenda and causing disagreement at the G-20 summit. The think tank accused India of holding previous G-20 sessions in disputed territories and intentionally excluding China and Brazil from hosting an online event for the Global South. The think tank also claimed that India used the G-20 as a platform to spread the narrative of China setting up "debt traps" with its loans to developing countries.
Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Saturday said Members of the G20 have reached a consensus on a joint statement, and the New Delhi Leaders Declaration has been adopted. Watch this Visual Story to know what the Declaration is, what it focuses on, and its significance