Models adorned in various traditional Chinese wedding dresses gracing the runway marked the beginning of the autumn/winter 2024 (A/W24) China Fashion Week, which kicked off in Beijing on March 23.
TheBRICS+ Fashion Summit, held in Moscow from November 28th to December 2nd, brought together fashion experts from over 60 countries, showcasing their diverse expertise and potential.Heads of fashion associations, content creators, lecturers and
The BRICS+ Fashion Summit, held in Moscow from November 28th to December 2nd, brought together fashion experts from over 60 countries, showcasing their diverse expertise and potential. Heads of fashion associations, content creators, lecturers and designers shared their expertise with an international audience in this extraordinary summit.
The recently concluded international BRICS+ Fashion Summit, held in Moscow from November 28 to December 2, 2023, brought together over 200 fashion experts from 60 countries. | Pulse Nigeria