Sending laser pulses towards an object and measuring how long it takes the light to bounce back is a commonly used way to track the locations of Earth-orbiting satellites from the ground.
The ISRO said on Friday that an instrument on the Chandrayaan-3 lander has started serving as a location marker near the lunar south pole. Here s what the experiment was about and how could it prove crucial in future.
In a unique experiment, ISRO has brought back the Chandrayaan-3 Propulsion Module back to the Earth s orbit and has released an official press release regarding the same. - Chandrayaan-3 Propulsion Module Back To Earth s Orbit, ISRO Releases Official Statement
Following the lunar hop by Vikram (lander), this was another accomplishment that shows that ISRO can restart engines on the moon and operate equipment, both of which were not foreseen, the national space agency stated in a release.
The ISRO indicated that the probable impact area was anticipated to be over the North Pacific Ocean, and the final trajectory of Chandrayaan-3 did not cross over India.