dr. seuss to kids on the very day, the new old white guy strikes the author from the event. cancel. some of his books contained racist imagery. fair enough. you just cancel the whole god because of that? the dude sold 600 million books. true he s not a real doctor, but who whispered what he wrote cat in the hat. it s the only one of his books that i ve read. i decided to do some investigating. just how bad could these books be question. it turns out pretty bad. first, yeah, according to a great lecture on white supremacy, i had no idea. what about any others. green eggs and hitler? how did this get published. one more police, if i ran the zoo we d only have fuller bears because they re white? that is offensive. to everyone. okay, i kid too many cnn media reporters are watching this, much like those stories, they re not real. times are bad. returning into a police state but were now the police credits not the government banning books, removing movies from streaming services or
white guy completely strikes the author from the event, canceling it because some of his books contained racist imagery. fair enough but do you cancel the whole guy because of back? the dude sold 600 million books. sure he s not a real doctor but who is? of the road cat in the hat. it s the only one of his books that i read so i decided to do some investigating and just how bad could these books be? it turns out pretty bad. first according to a great lecture on white supremacy i had no idea, no idea, what about green eggs and hit where? how did this get published? one more please. if i ran the zoo we d only have polar bears because they are white? that is offensive. to everyone. i kid. to any cnn media reporters watching this much like your stories those weren t real but times are bad. we are turning into a police state that we are now the police. it s not the government and in books removing movies from streaming services are getting people fired for old tweets it s us, pr
here. stop playing games. it just doesn t make any sense. do something. be bigger than yourself. live a life bigger than yourself. that s where we need to go in washington. that s where we need to go across the board in all of the united states, with business and sports and religion across the board. let s get our act together and think bigger than ourselves. inspirational words from governor john casic. always appreciate you being here, sir. thank you very much. thanks, jake. opponents who celebrated the president s decision to fire steve bannon may have popped the proverbial champagne a little too soon. he will still fight for the trump agenda, saying, quote, in many ways i think i will be more effective fighting from the outside. and anyone who stands in our way we will go to war with. ending a sentence with a preparation notwithstanding, joining me, ranking member of the house committee,
during a nearly 13-minute rant on a radio show yesterday, congressman massa tore into the democratic party saying it wants him out because he voted no on the health care reform package last november. but here is massa in his own words describing the wedding incident which led to allegations of sexual harrassment. i was with my wife. in fact, we had a great time. she got the stomach flu. i went down to sing auld lang syne and with cameras on me, i m talking three of them filming me i danced with the bride and i danced with the bridesmaid. absolutely nothing occurred. i said good night to the bridesmaid. i sat down at the table where my whole staff was, all of them by the way bachelors. one of them looked at me and as they would do after i don t know 15 gin and to knowics and bottles of champagne a staffer
during a nearly 13-minute rant on a radio show yesterday, congressman massa tore into the democratic party saying it wants him out because he voted no on the health care reform package last november. but here is massa in his own words describing the wedding incident which led to allegations of sexual harassment. i was with my wife. in fact, we had a great time. she got the stomach flu. i went down to sing auld lang syne and with cameras on me, i m talking three of them filming me i danced with the bride and i danced with the bridesmaid. absolutely nothing occurred. i said good night to the bridesmaid. i sat down at the table where my whole staff was, all of them by the way bachelors. one of them looked at me and as they would do after, i don t know, 15 gin and tonics and bottles of champagne a staffer made a point to me that maybe i should be chasing after the bridesmaid and his points were