The last full day for fans to show off their true colors levi stadium is locked down tight, but one hour north of the city by the bay is buzzing with football fans nats music fans go broncos, oh this is amazing its amazing even down by the worldfamous Fishermans Wharf fan weve got a lot of orange in this town sierra mills daughter of sam mills jr, panthers its been amazing because all the fans just had a really good vibe and its like win or lose, even though we know where youre going to win its that spirit that everybody has 1 Million People are expected to make their way through the city so im from as far away as japan broncos yeah everyone has a favorite team, young and old alike fan broncos fan another championship while less add ones sets the mood fans stroll through the streets proud of their team. Mills like the color orange doesnt exist in my world right now and at least on this morning bronco fans about outnumbered panther fans four to one i dont see any panther fans we been as