And clakz madam clerk, any announcements . Electronic devices. Completed speaker cards and documents to be included should be submitted to the clerk. Items acted upon today will appear on the february 14th board of supervisors agenda unless otherwise stated. Thank you very much with that madam clerk item one. An ordinance on the administrative code to authors the Planning Commission to hold noise issues in conversions of hotel and molt requiring the Planning Department to consider the noise issues when reviewing those projects and making appropriate findings. Thank you, madam clerk mr. Johnson thank you congratulations upon chair farrell Conner Johnson legislative aide to board president london breed. Brief comments one a one horticulture amendment at the request of the Planning Commission in 2015 the board of supervisors unanimously patsz supervisor president london breed night life preservation legislation that is protecting San Francisco music venues and preventing conflicts the law
Quiet, he brought in a Certain Energy and intelligence to this board that we open that we see in the future. But, thank all of you, each and every one of you for the work that you have done for San Francisco. God bless. Thank you, supervisor. I was waiting for you to break out in song. But i will call. The title but i am not going to sing it. Okay. Anyone else any of our honored or distinguished guests that are here today . Seeing none, i will now recognize supervisor cohen. Oh, carroll. No i was supervisor carol. A point of personal privilege wondering if there was some lunch in hand here . Yes, so the sooner we are done with this meeting, the sooner we can go and eat. I am glad that point was made. Thank you very much, but i also want to say that San Francisco has always been the jugerknot force that has moved california and therefore has affected the nation. And during my tenure, i remember we prevented guns from being sold, senator, here in San Francisco. And we have watched the de
Colleagues for honoring the past and allowing us to hear, some of the words spoken at the inago ral meeting of this chamber. And now it is time for our 12 30, come m commend commendations and i would like to yield the floor for the u. S. Senator to agabegin. I hope that you can hear me. Thank you very much madam president for this treat. And you know, that it is a very emotional time. I think when we come back here. I remember the nights and the monday afternoons we remember the struggles with harvey rose over the budget. We remember Great Division of our city. And i hope that we have all profited from that learning. And that it does not forge himself up to the battle front of our nation. But what i wanted to do here today, was acknowledge those people who are here. Who served during that time. Who i regard with great fondness and respect. And particularly clinton cox, that goes for you. Bobby mendelson with whom i have known for a long time, louis who took my seat on the board of supe
Could you please take your seats . The sooner we get started, the sooner we can adjourn so you all can continue socializing. Good afternoon, everybody and welcome to the San Francisco board of supervisors special meeting for tuesday, october 18th, 2016. Madam clerk, can you please call the roll . Thank you, supervisor avalos. Present. Breed. Present. Campos. Present. Cohen. Present, farrell. Present. Kim. Kim present. Supervisor mar . Here. Present. Peskin present. Sperp tang. Present. Supervisor weiner. Present. Yee . Present. Madam president all members are present. Thank you, ladies and gentlemen, can you please join us in the pledge of allegiance . Thank you, everyone. Madam clerk, are there any communications . I have none to report, madam president. Okay. Ladies and gentlemen, it is my pleasure to welcome you all to a very special ceninneanl meeting. We come together to celebrate this chamber, sitting with me on my right are great senator and former president of the board as well
Could you please take your seats . The sooner we get started, the sooner we can adjourn so you all can continue socializing. Good afternoon, everybody and welcome to the San Francisco board of supervisors special meeting for tuesday, october 18th, 2016. Madam clerk, can you please call the roll . Thank you, supervisor avalos. Present. Breed. Present. Campos. Present. Cohen. Present, farrell. Present. Kim. Kim present. Supervisor mar . Here. Present. Peskin present. Sperp tang. Present. Supervisor weiner. Present. Yee . Present. Madam president all members are present. Thank you, ladies and gentlemen, can you please join us in the pledge of allegiance . Thank you, everyone. Madam clerk, are there any communications . I have none to report, madam president. Okay. Ladies and gentlemen, it is my pleasure to welcome you all to a very special ceninneanl meeting. We come together to celebrate this chamber, sitting with me on my right are great senator and former president of the board as well