Among the key OBC castes, Yadavs are the biggest with 19.40 per cent share and Kurmis and Patels in second place with 7.4 per cent, according to the same data. While Nishads, Mallahs and Kevats constitute 4.3 per cent , Bhars and Rajbhars are 2.4 per cent, Lodhs 4.8 per cent and Jats 3.6 per cent of the total OBC population. 📰 UP Caste Data: OBC Population May Be Over 50%, Yadavs Have the Biggest Share, Know Share of Other Castes.
The Supreme Court of India has said that it will take up for hearing on October 6 the matter of the caste census in Bihar after the petitioner's lawyer mentioned before the apex court that the Bihar Government had published caste survey data. Bihar Caste Survey: Supreme Court To Hear Pleas Challenging Caste-Based Census on October 6.