A Varanasi court on Friday rejected the plea of Hindu side seeking carbon dating of the purported Shivling claimed to be found in the Gyanvapi mosque complex. 📰 Gyanvapi Mosque Issue: Varanasi Court Rejects Hindu Side s Demand Seeking Carbon Dating and Scientific Investigation of Shivling .
Gyanvapi case:Â Earlier on September 29, the Hindu side demanded a scientific investigation of the `Shivling` by the Archaeological Survey of India (ASI) and the carbon dating of `Argha` and the area around it.Â
Gyanvapi case hearing: Carbon dating is a scientific process that ascertains the age of an archaeological object or archaeological finds.Besides this case, two more cases which could not be heard on Thursday due to the holiday will be heard on Oct 11.
The Varanasi court deffered the pronouncement of verdict on carbon dating of the structure till October 11. The court was supposed to pronounce its verdict on the plea filed by the Hindu side today.Â