A four part docu-series titled the Fire Ghost of Caledonia Mills is looking for actors for re-enactments. Mariah MacDonald, who is producing the series, said she spent the last few years working with a Canadian television production company. MacDonald, who is from in St. Andrews, grew up hearing stories…
Sudden fires, paranormal phenomena, and a young girl who was branded a poltergeist: Author Monica Graham tells the story of the haunting of the MacDonald family farm in Antigonish County, just ahead of its 100th anniversary.
There are many tales of hauntings throughout history, some which have gone on to be well-known and studied, while others seem to have mostly slipped through the cracks to become lost to the mists of time, only known in their own defined localities. It is often strange that such cases should become so obscure, as they usually are every bit as bizarre and puzzling as more popular cases of the paranormal, every bit as imbued with odd clues and eerie details. One such case happened in the wilds of Novia Scotia, Canada, where a quiet, content family was held under siege by fire-starting ghostly forces from beyond our comprehension.