Of what we can do and even though we are a small contributor, i guess in San Francisco, as far as your chart in saying that what we do as far as emissions but i know with the power and all of the initiatives that we have taken we have been a leader in this and applaud of what we have been doing at the port and hope that we can continue and be an example to others in the city. And to other cities, and the country, and in the world, thank you. I totally agree. And thank you, for that great report. On one of them, the city overview . Yes. Why, you had other at 23. 9 percent, i was just wondering what the other is . It was all of the other departments. Okay. Every department is i think going to this, i did in the staff report, but every department is mandated by the City Ordinance to declare a plan and an annual update and we need, and we are actually in the throws that have right now. The department of the environment made a chart that shows all of the major contributions and the other ca
[gavel]. Good afternoon, welcome to the board of supervisors meeting tuesday, september 10, 2013. Madam clerk, can you please call the roll . Yes, mr. President. Supervisor avalos . Avalos present. Supervisor breed . Breed present. Supervisor campos . Campos absent. Supervisor chiu . Here. Chiu present. Supervisor cohen . Cohen present. Supervisor farrell . Farrell present. Supervisor kim . Kim present. Supervisor mar . Mar present. Supervisor tang . Tang present. Supervisor wiener . Wiener absent. Supervisor yee . Yee present. Supervisor campos . Campos present. Mr. President , you have a quorum. Thank you. Ladies and gentlemen, could you please join us in the pledge of allegiance . I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of america, and to the republic for which it stands; one nation under god, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all. Madam clerk, any communications . I have no communications, mr. President. And could you read our 2 00 p. M. Special order . The fir
Time, the time that it takes to conduct, inventory of buildings and fixtures with almost 160 buildings that are subject to these kinds of improvements is tremendous and so we will look into that. Okay. And i guess that i was looking at not just the lighting retrofit but actually everything but that is often more costly but we can see pretty significant gains if they are just from insulation and other things. The area where we are, working is with the commercial Building Energy performance ordinance and we have some more work to do on that and a lot of the buildings that are occupied are occupied by tenants and they are in the better position to provide the information that would guide that kind of an investment and we are working with them to try to get that information up to speed so that we have the information to make the decisions. Okay. Again, i am sort of thinking out loud and maybe there are some opportunities when you are doing the leasing on the commercial spacing and they all
This is the flaming lotus girl, they are a female driven, volunteer based art collaborativive based in San Francisco and this will be installed . This spring and it will be in place for no more than 12 months, for approval, the port staff is requiring a port license and encroachment for this art installation. These documents will require the flaming lotus girls to insure the art piece installation, and endemnify the port for any issues related to the art piece, the encroachment permit will sure that it complies with the americans with disability act and public art and display guidelines and now i will hand this to the flaming lotus girls to present their piece. No more mystery. I can just say that there are no action items on this item before you, and in the sense that all of the approvals have been delegated to the staff but we thought that it was important that the commissions be the first to see the art that looks like that will be placed at pier 14. Good afternoon commissioners and
That last fiscal year you will see that it drops to zero and will remain zero, because the state is going it require that any Supplemental Energy be zero emissions with respect to the Climate Change. That is the ports profile. And within the context of the over all city, the port represents a little less than one percent of the city municipal craoenous galses and you will see that bright blue sliver up right near the 12 00 and so the mta and the reds in the upper right corner and the Public Health and the airport and the departments that by the very nature have the port as i say are less than one percent and but it is still . Ing that we are trying to control and reduce. It covers by 15 to 20 ordinances and these are just highlights and these bench marking and the lighting retrofit and these are efforts to conserve the energy as is the benefit and they are looking to minimize and that is the gh up there and the energy is an attempt to introduce clean energy and when we talk about the G