Recently, the Madhya Pradesh High Court allowed the State Bank of India, the disbursing authority, to recover excess payment of pension made to a retired teacher, based on the voluntary undertaking.
The Madhya Pradesh High Court has ordered the State Government to ensure that no religious education is imparted to children residing in shelter homes registered under the Juvenile Justice (Care and.
Former senior US diplomat Susan D. Page, the former State Department Senior Advisor on Sudan, Prof Charlie Snyder, the former USAID Senior Policy Advisor on Sudan and South Sudan, Dr Brian D’Silva, and Amir Idris, professor of African history and politics at Fordham University in the USA, have published “An Appeal on Sudan to Senior United States Government Officials”, expressing “serious alarm about the ongoing political crisis in Sudan”. The appeal recommends that the US government resumes full operations at the US Embassy in Khartoum, and bring political pressure to bear, including “targeted sanctions against individuals who undermine the civilian-led transition”.