2. Pledge of Allegiance:
3. Announcement by Chair Nystrom:
A. Due to the current federal and state emergency declarations, the Minnesota directive to residents to stay at home, and guidance about limiting person-to-person contact due to the COVID-19 pandemic, this meeting of the Brainerd School Board is being conducted in accordance with Minnesota Statutes 13D.021 Meetings by Telephone or Other Electronic Means. Persons may monitor this meeting from a remote location by watching on YouTube live. This meeting is being recorded. Access to the recording will be made available on the school district’s website as soon as is reasonably possible.
4. Approval of the agenda as presented / amended:
Baxter City Council welcomes Ward to 1st meeting of 2021
In the shadow of a challenging year, the Baxter City Council members expressed hope for a better 2021. Written By: Renee Richardson | ×
Baxter City Council members and staff meet Tuesday, Jan. 5, via Zoom for the first meeting of 2021. Screenshot
Newly elected council member John Ward was welcomed to the Baxter City Council Tuesday, Jan. 5, during the first meeting of the year.
“First I’d like to welcome Councilman Ward to the council,” said council member Connie Lyscio. “It will be fun to have him on board and I have no doubt he is going to bring so much to us and I’m feeling very blessed and fortunate that he is here.”