Plymouth, MI—Ghostwriters are the narrative architects of the literary world, working behind the curtain to construct well-written, professional, and distinct content. Many readers have probably read a ghostwritten book without knowing it, since their names are often uncredited in the books they write. Book Publicist Scott Lorenz highlights his favorite
Plymouth, MI—Authors seeking to become a TV talk show guest must learn to master the fine art of using sound bites. Local and national television thrives on sound bites, those brief, quotable remarks that will be repeated again and again on television news and talk shows. “Sound bites are the
Plymouth, MI—Everyone has heard of TikTok since it debuted in 2016. Now the social media platform is available in over 150 countries and has over 1 billion users. People create and share short-form video content and slideshows, ranging anywhere from comedy to life advice to product reviews and much more.“BookTok
Plymouth, MI—Book Title Generator: A Proven System in Naming Your Book, by book publicist Scott Lorenz garnered a 25th win for Best in Business at Pacific Book Awards. Pacific Book Review is a recognizable name in the business for publishers, authors, literary agents and the media. They specialize in authoritative,
Plymouth, MI—Scott Lorenz, book publicist, President of Westwind Book Marketing and author of Book Title Generator: A Proven System in Naming Your Book, was recently interviewed on Michigan Entrepreneur TV by Tara Kachaturoff.“People asked me to write a book about book marketing, but the tactics change every few months,” says