differently, you re well on your way to rolling back recognized rights. there was a right-wing advocacy group, as you, know that brought this affirmative action case of the supreme court after thursday s decision, stephen miller, who we all remember was an adviser to former president trump, sent a threatening letter to 200 school, saying his legal group is prepared to sue if they don t abide by the courts ruling. how does this, in your view, and bolden right wing groups, go after right wing groups. how do you expect for schools to respond to these legal challenges? i think this is the point, what they made clear in the opinion that there wasn t taking o questions of race off the table. and individual can discuss his or her racial background and their admissions essay, so long as they connected to leadership or courage. i think that was because of intervention that justice jansen made an argument asking and whether it was okay for legacy applicants to talk about their family histori
it was very disturbing. based on his actions, if proven true, no. it s irresponsible actions that places our nation at risk. the fact of the matter is he is a consummate narcissist and he constantly engages in reckless conduct those are just some of the brutal rebukes and experienced factual takes from people who actually work with donald trump. we talk about the law a lot and that goes to how this place is brought. but the reason we have these national security laws is because of the national security concern to the united states, the risk that spies and others go through the reason it s called the espionage act is because it goes to that. you heard from mr. bolden with
he was clearly sending a massage to the da saying if you do this indictment it will be great for trump be sure that he wins the white house again, here s how he put it. i think it will empty bolden his supporters, will end rage hi supporters, making them feel stronger but i think a prosecutor would say it s a democratic prosecutor, been supported by the far left going after the most far right guy you have out there and i think he s thinking if i prosecute him, i take him out of candidacy. now, are you surprised to hear him making a, the political argument? yes, he s the lawyer. he should be the trial lawyer, he s making arguments in the political register seems as though he s trying to send a message to an elected official, the da is an elected office and talking about the political ramifications for the situation, which means for him, so i do
ends. we ve seen ambassador bolden, two secretary of defenses didn t know about it. it looks liked an effort to deflect from what was a disastrous handful of days. martha: any possibility that the military would have intentionally kept this from you or from the president? martha, it seems unimaginable to me that someone, someone on my team working at the pentagon or we have liaison officers, someone in the political chain of command at the department of defense, seems unimaginable that this wouldn t have gotten to the political leadership in the white house or state department or the cia. i can t figure out how that happened. if it did, someone needs to explain it to me. and then they would disclose it to the biden administration