Assam's longest-serving MLA, Phani Bhushan Choudhury, resigns from assembly membership after successful election to Lok Sabha from Barpeta constituency. Accompanied by AGP leaders, Choudhury expresses gratitude to supporters and hopes to serve Barpeta constituency effectively as MP.
India News: AGP, part of NDA, maintains opposition to CAA, focusing on Barpeta Lok Sabha seat. The party faces criticism from Congress & CPI (M). Hindu voter majo
Rajya Sabha live updates | The Chartered Accountants Bill under discussion : Rashtra News #Rajya #Sabha #live #updates #Chartered #Accountants #Bill #discussion The Chartered Accountants, the Cost and Works Accountants and the Company Secretaries (Amendment) Bill, 2022 under discussion The Chartered Accountants, the Cost and Works Accountants and the Company Secretaries (Amendment) Bill, 2022 under