focused minds are somewhat in helsinki and stockholm and pushed those two countries for the first time to apply for nato membership. so some movement by turkey regarding finland s application to join nato. giving young babies between four and six months old tiny tastes of smooth peanut butter could dramatically cut peanut allergies. that s according to new research, showing there is a crucial opportunity during weaning to cut allergy cases by 77%. the allergy has been soaring in the uk with one in 50 children now affected. scientists now say the government s advice on weaning which says no solids until around six months needs to change. let s speak to our medical editor fergus walsh. this sounds promising, tell us how it works? it this sounds promising, tell us how it works? , , ., . ., this sounds promising, tell us how itworks? , , ., . ., , it works? it is research from king s colleae it works? it is research from king s college london it works? it is research from
heavy, some rumbles of thunder, some winteriness and it will turn windy across the north and west of scotland. single figure values for much of scotland and northern ireland, ten to 12 degrees for england and wales. around midnight towards iam we are likely to see a squeeze in the isobars, the north highlands towards shetland are likely to see gusts of 70 or 80 mph, pretty ferocious winds likely to cause disruption through the early part of wednesday. showers affecting the northern half of the country, much of the south will be quite quiet, clearspells, much of the south will be quite quiet, clear spells, winds quite not so strong, some concerns with the strong winds across the far north of scotland, severe gales likely through the middle part of tonight lasting through the early hours, some disruption to ferry services early on wednesday. you can see that disruption pulling away through wednesday, the weather front draped across northern ireland, southern scotland, northern
THE Department of Science and Technology (DoST) has highlighted different biomedical research devoted to premature birth, low birth weight and dengue, as well as international collaboration, during the 12th Philippine Health Research System Week held in Tacloban City.