have improved touch. but making ends meet still the biggest for families and firms. i can t give them the things you would like to give them, like the new books. i can t afford to do it any more. with a new promise from labour to help keep a lid on bills, we have one big question this morning is rishi sunak keeping his promise to run a professional government for us all? to answer that, james cleverly, the foreign secretary. the woman who d be your chancellor if labour win the next election rachel reeves is here. and the latest of our leaders interviews for 2023 we ll hearfrom nicola sturgeon, scotland s first minister. with me at the desk to help make sense of what that lot of have to say, the chair of tesco and imperial college, john allan, the lbc presenter and journalist, racheljohnson, and iain duncan smith tory mp who used to lead his party. good morning, thanks for being with us. it s not been a great week for the government, with a feeling that rishi sunak ca
The definition of a woman is up for debate in the Oklahoma Senate.HB1449 is being called both a protective measure for females and a danger to the transgender c
An Ohio gender studies professor was formally reprimanded and ordered to complete free speech training after giving a student a failing grade on a project centered around women's rights in sports that used the phrase "biological women."
An Ohio gender studies professor was formally reprimanded and ordered to complete free speech training after giving a student a failing grade on a project centered around women's rights in sports that used the phrase "biological women."