Nitish Kumar led government has announced holidays for school teachers on Eid and Ram Navami. According to PTI report, the CM took the decision in view of the discomfort expressed by the teachers regarding the residential training programme that deprived them of holidays, Education News - Times Now
The second tranche of data from the Bihar government's caste-based survey - and the full report on the economic condition of 215 Scheduled Castes, Scheduled Tribes, Backward Classes and Extremely Backward Classes - was published Tuesday.
The BJP on Tuesday fumed at yet another volte face by its old ally, Bihar Chief Minister Nitish Kumar, accusing him of being a “habitual betrayer” who was pushing Bihar into the abyss of lawlessness and corruption by entering into a fresh alliance with the RJD.
Congress's Rajya Sabha MP Naseer Hussain said that the BJP was being haunted in Bihar by what it did in Maharashtra, referring to the Eknath Shinde-led rebellion that toppled the MVA government.