city. and this is the five from hibernation to high energy team. biden is once again tryingry to reassure americans that are sleeping ure amer. commander in chief has got the stamina to be the most powerful person on the planet.t president biden finallymostwe emerging in allentowrful pn, pennsylvania, today after afcing the easy would no publi appearances since monday, according to a new reporaccordit by nbc. it s all part of the white house s plan to joe look more youthful and ramp up, quote more informal remarks. unannounced stops at diners and appearances and social unant. osts and podcas but boy, did that backfire today. the president totally lostat as he shuffled around various today.businesses. i mean, you know what? i hope they really know this is morgan sherwin and. i m sorry. there are no team members hereon . the white house is also ou. jill biden.r that is, she s trying to convince americans that joe the energizer bunny. i think what people don t is
compare me to the almighty. compare him to the alternative. you compare the alternative.g. donald trump was up at midnight working. they said it was almigh he was on cocaine. and then he comes out at 11:00 in the morning and they say, oh, he has executive time the morning. joe doesn t even show up for three days straight and. they don t say a thing. what they re going to do is they re going to try to bring across the liner and probably the first or second year he s going to hand sa to the white house towi kamala, and then we re stuck with her. llthe white all right, harold, joe biden e claims that joe is an asse bt. but in a recent monmouth poll, asseof americans think the guy is too old to serve another term as president. who s out of touch perc with the american people? good to be with you. i think i think that it s not a surprise that joe biden and nancy pelosi are out campaigning for joe biden. i see members of the senate on the republican side and members of congress an
realized it. biden was going to change william penn par the park to sok of what was it? they re going back to the native american an tnatid in on. josh shapiro said, actually know the name of our state is pennsylvania and we re not going to change it. and biden backed. josh s so ihaf you look at the pollsth recently, just i think yesterdaname y, biden is up two on trump and pennsylvania, wherennv he had been behind pennsylvania is going to be very important if the democrats hope to holan nsylvanid on, it will be there. i also wanted to say one thing about nancy pelosi. she says the weight of the world is on joe biden s shoulders. that is true for anyhold on oneo but for joe biden, whene you think about that, you feel m because hink of the weight of the world is on his shoulders rather than thank. f the the weight of the world is on his shoulders, whoever it s going to be like, there sw. ink just a difference. and i don t think that trotting her out to say, likethat t joe biden s so ene
on the world stage. he s livedows ever history. he knows history. y is also trying to popi is a oulst the 81 year old president of the weight. t the world on his shouldersers. is the president of the united states, a very challenging job.e there are only so many hoursryi in the dayjob you can tell them everything you ve done, but nobody gets because they deserve it. they get elected because of what they re going to dois next. and what he is going to do next is, agai going to n to continuek he s done for america s working apprlies. and many people are appreciating and enjoying it. n they just are not giving him credit for it. all right. nancy pelosi says that many people appreciating and enjoying the work of the presidency , but they re justm the not giving them the credit. do you agree? wellit. agree, the polls disagree and he s in the dumpster and many have governedagree.
and campaigned during wars, ions pandemics, depressions. joe biden s just like any other president. we expect him to be able to walk and chew gum at the same time. if i were in the white house, i just mae iy be have him go play a round of golf. if he can t golf, judge, have himwhite ho play. he didn t even flip the coin at the army-navy game this fall. he had lloyd austin do it for him. hflip are just simple things dana said yesterday. just hold a cabinet meeting. spra . sprayed the room so it lookss like you re in charge and managingo sharge. somethin. take a picture of him watching sunday night football at 830 on a sunday. it s not that hard,tball at y keep giving us images of him struggling with the beach chair ,nodding off at a meeting. those things just don t inspire, the american people. and then they tell us that no one can keep up with them. pl at a g. us oand now we feel like we re being lied to. i don t think he s going to i write offighte can ke arizona becau