Prime Minister Narendra Modi flagged off the first Vande Bharat train (T18) of Karnataka and the Bharat Gaurav Kashi Darshan Train at KSR Bengaluru Station here on Friday. The Vande Bharat train will connect Mysuru and Chennai via Bengaluru six days a week except for Wednesday. As per the timings issued by the Railways, the train will depart Chennai at 5.50 am, arrive at
PM Modi Karnataka, Tamil Nadu visit: The Vande Bharat Express is a symbol of the fact that India has now left the days of stagnation behind. India now wants to run fast and is doing everything possible for it.
Prime Minister Narendra Modi today said Karnataka led the way in attracting foreign direct investment (FDI) of Rs 4 lakh crore last year when the world was struggling with the COVID-19 pandemic.