Prime Minister Narendra Modi inaugurated the expanded Terminal 1 of Delhi Airport, doubling its capacity to serve 40 million passengers annually, showcasing India s aviation ambitions.
GMR and Adani Group are potential choices for airport infrastructure. Rail companies orders will provide significant upside. Capital goods and electronic manufacturing companies earnings were disappointing due to low margins. RVNL is a well-managed company. Dixon is disappointing. I would like to flag that in most PSUs, the changes in the management are minimal, but the order books are definitely great but that does not necessarily translate into 800%, 1000% growth in terms of the stock price that we have seen in some of these stocks.
India Business News: NEW DELHI: GMR Group has increased its stake in Hyderabad airport from 63% to 74% by acquiring the 11% held by Malaysia Airport Holdings Berhad (MAHB).