Napoleon, North Dakota, cattle buyer Brian Gader faces numerous legal challenges, including a theft charge in a cattle deal, has lost his license to purchase cattle and is accused of failing to pay hundreds of thousands of dollars in some cases. With debts in the millions, Gader, 65, says he is "working on" his issues.
Napoleon, North Dakota, cattle buyer Brian Gader faces numerous legal challenges, including a theft charge in a cattle deal, has lost his license to purchase cattle and is accused of failing to pay hundreds of thousands of dollars in some cases. With debts in the millions, Gader, 65, says he is "working on" his issues.
Napoleon, North Dakota, cattle buyer Brian Gader faces numerous legal challenges, including a theft charge in a cattle deal, has lost his license to purchase cattle and is accused of failing to pay hundreds of thousands of dollars in some cases. With debts in the millions, Gader, 65, says he is "working on" his issues.
Napoleon, North Dakota, cattle buyer Brian Gader faces numerous legal challenges, including a theft charge in a cattle deal, has lost his license to purchase cattle and is accused of failing to pay hundreds of thousands of dollars in some cases. With debts in the millions, Gader, 65, says he is "working on" his issues.