A group of leading health professionals has asked RTÉ to take its weight loss programme Operation Transformation off the air, saying it has dehumanised people and is contributing to stigma towards those living with overweight and obesity.
philadelphia, the director of the center of bioethics at the university of pennsylvania. good to see both of you gentlemen. good morning. i understand that you believe this could be a good idea because you believe that having an obese child within your home is a form of child abuse. no question about it. and where i m coming from, i m a bariatric physician, that means i specialize in weight loss. with that comes heart disease and diabetes. i see this problem all the time. it is child abuse. having an obese child is giving that child a death sentence. we have more diabetes, heart disease, high blood pressure and heart disease in these children. i saw recently an obese child and i m looking at the three of them with the parents there and i say something is missing here and i came right out and said it. you know, the both of you have a major weight problem. it was like that was a big shock to them. here they re bringing the kid in.