Punjab Police Wednesday said a man who was held at the Bangalore Airport on Tuesday was not Sandeep Bareta, one of the main conspirators in the 2015 sacrilege cases.
According to the police, Sandeep Bareta is involved in all three main incidents of sacrilege in 2015 in Faridkot’s Bargari as well as in other cases and has been on the run for the last seven years.
Proclaimed Offender in Bargari sacrilege cases, Sandeep Bareta was arrested at the Bangalore airport today in pursuance of lookout notice issued by the Punjab Police.
Sandeep Bareta, one of the main conspirators in the 2015 sacrilege cases in Punjab, has been held at the Bengaluru airport, police said on Tuesday. Bareta, who was one of the accused in the incidents related to the desecration of a religious text in Faridkot in 2015, was declared a proclaimed offender. A lookout notice was also issued against him by the Punjab Police. A Punjab