he had a face that looked like he had seen many, many bar fights. and the other crimes that put you in prison before, what were those? very different. a lot of different things. thieving, fighting. but the majority of them were through drink. reid recently transferred to protective custody wing due to threats made by some younger inmates. convinced he could take care of himself, reid wasn t happy about the move. to him it was a sign of weakness. so d hall, protective custody. describe it for me. no good. why? this is the first time i ve ever done this in 30 years. i was always a bit of a rebel, a fighter. i still am. although i m old. i won t let anybody [ bleep ] on me. that s prison.
very honest about who he was, what he did, why he did it. and he had a great face. he had a face that looked like he had seen many, many bar fights. and the other crimes that put you in prison before, what were those? very different. a lot of different things. thieving, fighting. but the majority of them were through drink. reid recently transferred to protective custody wing due to threats made by some younger inmates. convinced he could take care of himself, reid wasn t happy about the move. to him it was a sign of weakness. so d hall, protective custody. describe it for me. no good. why? this is the first time i ve ever done this in 30 years. i was always a bit of a rebel, a fighter. i still am. although i m old.
it is even a crime would have been a misdemeanor. the statute of limitations is long gone. it s sort of absurd at this point, i feel like. ainsley: how do we get to this point. first it was sexual allegations and now accusations of him throwing ice, bar fights, drinking too much in high school and planning parties. i think, ainsley, we are where we are now because those sexual assault allegations have not stuck. there is no corroborating evidence to any of them. the third one with julie swetnick is down right farcical and its face and internally inconsistent. she has already backed away from some of her claims. i think what s happening now is those sexual assault allegations have not been proven. they haven t stuck to kavanaugh. and so now the democrats are trying to find anything they can to discredit him ahead of the vote. what you told our producers is that there is one problem. you know, because testified that he didn t drink too much and never blacked out. and they want to sho
is the laughter between the two and their having fun at my expense. no matter where you fall on this issue, the scene was absent of soul, absent of compassion, absent of decency and respect that we should all share, left, right, center as americans. and while we re at it, we learned about this violent bar fight during which a bottle was smashed over someone s head. and again, no matter how you feel about kavanaugh s involvement and what he did and whether it should be held against his confirmation, we re now hearing adults brag about their own bar fights, dismissing the seriousness of someone getting glass cracked over his head. have you got into bar fights?
the narrative, the narrative works. steve: it does in this case. let s see what happens next. charlie hurt, charlie, thank you very much. meanwhile, the left continues to hammer judge kavanaugh over bar fights in 80 s and throwing ice decades ago. should that prevent him from serving on the supreme court? our next guest is a former federal prosecutor hear from him. plus call it deplorables 2.0. hillary clinton slamming president trump s supporters again u sound familiar? sean spicer with reaction about 20 minutes. get the recipes at walnuts.org.