it is even a crime would have been a misdemeanor. the statute of limitations is long gone. it s sort of absurd at this point, i feel like. ainsley: how do we get to this point. first it was sexual allegations and now accusations of him throwing ice, bar fights, drinking too much in high school and planning parties. i think, ainsley, we are where we are now because those sexual assault allegations have not stuck. there is no corroborating evidence to any of them. the third one with julie swetnick is down right farcical and its face and internally inconsistent. she has already backed away from some of her claims. i think what s happening now is those sexual assault allegations have not been proven. they haven t stuck to kavanaugh. and so now the democrats are trying to find anything they can to discredit him ahead of the vote. what you told our producers is that there is one problem. you know, because testified that he didn t drink too much and never blacked out. and they want to sho
returns. there is no financial benefit for donald trump running for president. steve: they are trying to blow up what they say is the myth that he is a self-made man. that he only started with a million dollars. instead he started with lots and lots and lots of money. and it essentially is a crime family. ainsley: his dad has been dead for a very long time. steve: 189 minutes after the top of the hour. a very busy wednesday. jillian: yes it is. get you started with a fox news alert. the united nations highest court ordering the united states to lift some sanctions on iran. u.n. taking sanctions on iran that impact imports of humanitarian goods. state tv praising the decision. the ruling is legally binding. we have to wait to see if the president will comply. also breaking right now, an intense search underway for whoever sent packages filled with deadly ricin to the president and the pentagon.
they didn t even know who the nominee was. listen to what the president said yesterday. all of the democrats know and all they really know how to do is obstruct, resist, demolish, destroy, and delay. [crowd boos] they have been trying to destroy judge kavanaugh since the very first second he was announced. [crowd boos] because they know judge kavanaugh will follow the constitution might get that chance through a series of tech nic cattles. mitch mcconnell said yesterday only senators will get this report from the fbi. i m sure it s not going to leak out ever. in nine seconds. steve: democrats will leak parts out that are favorable to dr. ford and the republican also leak parts out that are favorable. brian: i think we are going to get the whole things in a matter of minutes. there you go.
talking about the new york times. this party planning with teenage rebel brett kavanaugh suggesting they warn their neighbors in advance about the possibility of loud noise. so senator orrin hatch is poo pooing the big times exclusive. ainsley: the president was in mississippi yesterday for a rally stumping for a republican there. he had this to say about kavanaugh. all of the democrats know and all they really know how to do is obstruct, resist, demolish, destroy, and delay. [crowd boos] they have been trying to destroy judge kavanaugh since the very first second he was announced. [crowd booing] because they know judge kavanaugh will follow the constitution as written. [crowd cheers] brian: he did go after the accuser because we know even
about thanking our veterans. this place lives it i have seen it across campus. they send folks with war veterans to where they served and they truly do honor those that mean so much to this country. [cheers and applause] thank you for being here. [cheers and applause] brian: what a school. ainsley: that s a great concept. pete do they have a football team? pete: no, but they have a great basketball team and baseball team. maybe football eventually. but they have taken stances there, too. teams that come here cannot kneel for the anthem. ainsley: everyone on campus has to work and then can you graduate debt free. steve: like the sign says. ainsley: we can t hear you pete. because everybody behind is you so riled up. brian: can we hear jillian? steve: absolutely. she has the news. jillian: test, test. good morning. brian: no one is cheering for you. i have news to bring you. georgetown university professor is briefly suspended by twitter. after calling for the death of republican senat