Actor Vandana Rao is disheartened as her show Na Umar Ki Seema Ho goes off air. She reflects on the tough goodbye and the challenges of the industry. She is now focusing on auditions and commercials for her next project.
Shrashti Maheshwari is all set to have a grand baby shower in Jaipur.But before that the mom-to-be, is getting all pampered and prepped for a very big day in her life. |
A lot of times. I mean who really wants a boyfriend of 120kg. So yes a lot of times when I was in school. And now for to reject someone, there needs to be someone who approaches me. |
Mouli Ganguly is a well-known actress who has appeared in films in both Hindi and Bengali. She rose to prominence as Shaina in Ekta Kapoor's popular hit thriller series Kaahin Kisii Roz. |