Mouli Ganguly is a well-known actress who has appeared in films in both Hindi and Bengali. She rose to prominence as Shaina in Ekta Kapoor's popular hit thriller series Kaahin Kisii Roz. |
Mouli Ganguly is a well-known actress who has appeared in films in both Hindi and Bengali. She rose to prominence as Shaina in Ekta Kapoor's popular hit thriller series Kaahin Kisii Roz |
Shrashti has played characters in all kinds of shades and this is not the first time she is delving into the world of Mythological series, |
Shrashti has played characters in all kinds of shades and this is not the first time she is delving into the world of Mythological series, |
Having worked in the entertainment industry for the past three decades, veteran actor Shravani Goswami is now seen as Prasuti in &TV’s Baal Shiv. In this Exclusive conversation with Tellychakkar, Shravani Goswami talks about the show, her character, and more! |