Bajrang Dal and Hindu organisations on Friday launched Hanuman Dhwaj campaign across Karnataka while condemning the removal of Hanuman Dhwaj in Keragodu village of Mandya district which has created controversy in the state.Bajrang Dal said that .
The complaint was filed by a Sangh parivar member over an alleged comparison between the Bajrang Dal and the banned People's Front of India in the Congress's Karnataka election manifesto.
Coastal Karnataka is known as the Sangh Parivar’s successful laboratory for hate politics but the BJP is facing the might of disgruntled Hindutva warriors in Puttur and Karkala.
While police said they were collecting information about the camp, Bajrang Dal leaders told media outlets that the workshop was aimed at building mental and physical resilience of members and that the weapons seen in the picture and video are air guns, not real arms.