Andy Kumar, also known as VJ Andy, has established himself as a host on shows like Dare 2 Date and Welcome- Baazi Mehmaan Nawazi Ki, among others, in the entertainment sector. The former contestant Andy Kumar of Bigg Boss, whose 17th season is set to premiere on Sunday, October 15, discussed his early struggles in show business. |
Karanvir Bohra is one of the most loved and celebrated actors on television. Soon, he will be seen in Sony Tv’s Show Hum Rahein Na Rahein Hum, where he essays a grey character. TellyChakkar got in touch with Karanvir Bohra and asked him if he is following the new season of Bigg Boss and what advice he would give the current contestants in handling Salman Khan’s anger. |
Karanvir Bohra is one of the most loved and celebrated actors on television. Soon, he will be seen in Sony Tv’s Show Hum Rahein Na Rahein Hum, where he essays a grey character. TellyChakkar got in touch with Karanvir Bohra and asked him what he has to say about playing a negative role and what made him accept the role. |