Shah Rukh Khan's son, Aryan Khan, was arrested in 2021 for his alleged involvement in the Mumbai cruise drugs case and granted bail after a few weeks. In a recent award ceremony, SRK opened up about the same. Read on!, Hindi News, Times Now
Sana Khan is a criminal lawyer by profession and was Shah Rukh Khan s son Aryan Khan s lawyer in the Mumbai Cruise Drugs Case in 2021. Ashutosh Dubey, who is a prominent lawyer at the Bombay High Court, has raised an objection.
In a recent update regarding the bribery case involving Narcotics Control Bureau (NCB) officer Sameer Wankhede, a former Intelligence officer named Ashish Ranjan Prasad has come forward with startling revelations concerning the arrest of Shah Rukh Khan's son, Aryan Khan, in the cruise drug bust case. , Entertainment News, Times Now