Our world is changing, for better or for worse, and museums, of necessity, are responding. The coronavirus pandemic led to costly and lengthy shutdowns, but it gave administrators a chance to confront some of the persistent social issues facing all of our institutions: the insistent demands for just.
CULT Bureau will open this fall to bring opportunities for collectors to connect with new experimental artworks in a more intimate setting. OAKLAND, CALIF. – Aimee Friberg, curator .
This year's Time-Based Art Festival (TBA) featured numerous virtual offerings—from video performances to artists' talks and panels, most of which are available to stream online at any time throughout the festival, which ends this Sunday. The flexibility of virtual offerings makes this year's TBA accessible and comprehensive. The Drift by Garrick Imatani with Travis Stewart is a fifteen-plus minute virtual reality video that chronicles a reimagined future. Imantani and Stewart have been working together on.