New Delhi, April 13: Nikshan Electronics, the most trusted home appliances showroom in Kerala, and LG Home Appliances recently held a lucky draw contest with the chance to win a brand new KIA car. The lucky winner was Nasar, who received the key to the car during a handover ceremony at Nikshan Electronics showroom.
New Delhi [India], April 13 (ANI/SRV): Nikshan Electronics, the most trusted home appliances showroom in Kerala, and LG Home Appliances recently held a lucky draw contest with the chance to win a brand new KIA car. The lucky winner was Nasar, who received the key to the car during a handover ceremony at Nikshan Electronics' showroom. The event was attended by Nikshan Electronics Managing Director MMV Moidu and LG Branch Manager Mujammed Rafi. Also present were LG Appliances Area Manager Akhil, Marketing Manager Sujith, and Nikshan Electronics Managers Rakesh, Ranjith, Ameer, Akhin, and Rayees. "We're thrilled to have held this successful event in partnership with LG Home Appliances," said MMV Moidu, Managing Director of Nikshan Electronics. "We take pride in being the most trusted home appliances showroom in Kerala, and our growing clientele is a testament to our commitment to providing the best products and services to our customers." Nikshan Electronics is