ORDERS/JUDGMENTS [NOMINAL INDEX PROVIDED AT THE BOTTOM] Beneficiary Of Acquired Land Cannot File Reference U/S 28A(3) Of Land Acquisition Act, 1894: Allahabad High Court Case Title: Rajendra.
[NOMINAL INDEX PROVIDED AT THE BOTTOM] ORDERS/JUDGMENTS Goods In Transit Can’t Be Treated As Non-Traceable In Presence Of Tax Invoice, E-Way Bill And Bilty: Allahabad High Court Case Title:.
NOMINAL INDEX Sunita Sharma and Another vs. State of U.P. and 3 Others 2023 LiveLaw (AB) 271 Paltoo Ram Yadav vs. State Of U.P. And 6 Others 2023 LiveLaw (AB) 272 M. Devaraj vs. Rakesh.
The Allahabad High Court has recently held that service of an order upon the advocate of an assessee will be deemed service for the purposes of the GST Act as the advocate is an authorized.