“It is very difficult to say that whether it is a midcap or sentimentally by numbers it might look like a largecap but within the domestic consumption space, organised retail is a very good space where we have a decent allocation and organised retail shows no impact of what is happening outside India.”
The prices of protein-rich food items like eggs, chicken, and fish are surging in Kolkata s retail markets ahead of the festive season. Factors such as increased production costs, wastage during transportation, and supply constraints are contributing to the price hike. Eggs have seen a notable increase in price, with fish and chicken prices also rising.
On Thursday, shares of Cochin Shipyard soared 20% to an all-time high of ₹1,146. Mazagaon Dock Shipbuilders shares jumped by 9.51%. Indian Railway Finance Corporation, KIOCL, Power Finance Corp, REC rose by 4-7%. The BSE PSU Index gained 1.5% and the benchmark Sensex advanced 0.6%.
The earlier we realize this, the better it is. To keep my mind alert and active I ensure that I spend an hour daily or so listening to music and playing with my 8-year-old son and listening to his interesting titbits of the day.