Reader Nancy emailed me asking: .For now I will continue with RootsMagic 7. I have once again read your post: and you are very clear on what you do not do with respect to Ancestry hints but I am not clear on what you actually do. Do you go to the hint, accept or reject, and then if you want the information you add the record (image) to RootsMagic with your own citation, as if the hint never existed? Where do you store the image? When you sync RootsMagic with your ancestry tree how does this record appear, i.e. is the image and your EE source online?
1) I have defined these best practices for my RootsMagic genealogy database: Add persons, relationships and facts to my database based on records, not assertions in other family trees Investigate record Hints and record Matches from record providers to use, if pertinent, to add content to the tree Search for records for my Tree persons in record repositories and in online record providers and use if pertinent Use other family trees and other research (e.g., books, periodicals, manuscripts, indexes, etc.) as clues for further research and add if pertinent Support Facts/assertions for my Tree persons with
Evidence Explained quality source citations (I tend to use Free form source citations rather than EE-style source templates so that the source citation transfers well in a GEDCOM export).