The retreat and he did it 1st budget blueprint to federal agencies we are taking his words and turning them into policies and dollars So we will be spending less overseas and spending more back called White House budget chief Mick Mulvaney says the fine print won t be ready until May but the proposal will call for a $54000000000.00 boost in military spending with corresponding cuts in discretionary spending which includes domestic programs but not entitlements Social Security and Medicare he s going to keep his word to American people White House spokesman Sean Spicer moments ago also saying the president is creating jobs by removing impediments for job creators this after House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi said he hasn t introduced a single jobs bill the ranking Democrat on one key House committee says it s not known yet if the Trump campaign had any contact with Russia I still want to do everything in my power to make sure that we do a thorough and objective investigation this after
It s radio I m battle new $54000000000.00 The White House says that s how much more present a crop once for the nation s defense budget with cuts elsewhere including a large reduction in foreign aid the government must learn to tighten its belt something families all across the country have had to learn some budget hawks have questioned the need for a large increase in u.s. Military spending which already stands at roughly $600000000000.00 annually John Ducker Iraqi troops reaching one of 5 destroyed bridges in their latest push to retake a key city from ISIS the military is taking control of the Mosul airport and a large military base outside the city but as Iraqi troops move deeper into Mosul the fighting is expected to become even more difficult as Connor Powell a judge has ruled a jury from outside the Philadelphia area will hear Bill Cosby sexual assault case that s what his lawyers wanted for the trial that starts in June news we record this. Ego trip I m Bob Garcia with the dis
2 That s 413291002 or online at John dot com That s John h. e a G y dot com or visit their showroom on York Road in hot rally to start planning your kitchen or bathroom object look for the John Hagy team at the spring Home and Garden Show at the to monium fairgrounds this weekend John Hagy remodelling building excellence for over 40 years stay connected with stimulating talk and breaking news on talk radio 6 e w c b m. M w c m com. He s radio in the sobriety President Trump sending his 1st budget blueprint to federal agencies we are taking his words and turning them into policies and dollars So we will be spending less overseas and spending more back called White House budget chief Mick Mulvaney says the fine print won t be ready until May but the proposal will call for a $54000000000.00 boost in military spending with corresponding cuts in discretionary spending which includes domestic programs but not entitlements Social Security and Medicare he s going to keep his word to American
He s he s a dude news dude he s someone who s passionate about the new passion about sports clubs Maryland has a family cares about the community looks sad as a vehicle to try and better all of our lives whether I m just dialogues about news make it easier for you to get to work or figure out the weather is so you know what the where we came mornings 5. News Radio. Telling you b a w y y e t 2 come a minute. Dot com and on a regular. Radio from Baltimore s largest radio news team. News not what is a Baltimore tradition but to keep the Preakness here it will take a lot of money Robert Lang will have a lot of reports we re going to update this afternoon on those 2 police officers shot last night in d.c. All these stories and more coming up right after a.b.c. News it s 5 o clock. Here on the a.b.c. News. I m Scott Goldberg the White House is moving quickly to make good on a promise President Trump repeated today just after President from told the Conservative Political Action Conference i
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