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He's radio in the sobriety President Trump sending his 1st budget blueprint to federal agencies we are taking his words and turning them into policies and dollars So we will be spending less overseas and spending more back called White House budget chief Mick Mulvaney says the fine print won't be ready until May but the proposal will call for a $54000000000.00 boost in military spending with corresponding cuts in discretionary spending which includes domestic programs but not entitlements Social Security and Medicare he's going to keep his word to American people White House spokesman Sean Spicer moments ago also saying the president is creating jobs by removing impediments for job creators this after House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi said he hasn't introduced a single jobs bill the ranking Democrat on one key House committee says it's not known yet if the Trump campaign had any contact with Russia I still want to do everything in my power to make sure that we do a thorough and objective investigation this after the committee's Republican chair seemed to go a step further Jared how current is live on Capitol Hill and the chairman of the House Intelligence Committee Republican of a new nyo says he's been told by many folks there's nothing there in regards to trump campaign aides communicating with Russian officials during the election at this point here at the committee we still don't have any evidence of of them talking to Russia the top committee Democrat Adam Schiff agreed at his own news conference he says because the committee has not yet called a witness. On the subject but noone yes is also warning against intelligence leaks that have named names saying Congress can't go back to McCarthyism Leeson Thanks Jared a federal appeals court just ruling that the fight each of the president's original travel ban can continue rejecting the administration's request to put that battle on hold because of the revised executive order still in the works and due out this week you're listening to Fox News Radio fair and balanced. 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News Don 3 o 3 and Michael Philip Elie and the 680 w c b a Maryland new center gov Larry Hogans popularity among voters remains high is current 63 percent rating is the same as last February as recently as September Hogans approval rating was 7 points higher of those surveyed in the latest counter poll released this morning 36 percent believe Hogan has better policies for economic growth and development while 27 percent say state Democrats do. 22 percent didn't know who had the better policies 2 men are critically injured after a shooting outside in Oxon Hill sports bar Corporal Omar Robinson a department spokesman said the shooting happened about 1 am yesterday and happened outside Frank's sports bar near the intersection of Livingston and Oxon Hill Road Robinson says the men were shot lower body and taken to hospital in critical condition in sports college hoops Marilyn fallen out of the Associated Press men's top 25 basketball poll that was released today the Turks are at Rutgers tomorrow night tonight Morgan State host compensated Hill feel house 56 degrees reporting at 3 o 4 I'm Michael Philip l e 680 w. C.b.s. On the. 195 you can see the difference between a. Child and. This portion of Sean Hannity brought to you by the Law Offices of Michael a Friedman representing injury victims for over 35 years on the web it flawed dot com Sean Hannity Show starts right now right here on Talk Radio 680. A few days ago I called the fake jews the enemy of the people and they are. Only concerned with. Doesn't work with the public it's. Happy Monday. Yes we're going to talk about Hollywood yes we're going to talk about all of that there's so much good going on that I want to get some good news in the course of the program. Today I know I called into Jay Sekulow the other day when he was graciously filling in is a good friend of mine I just want to take a minute as I start the day I have gotten so many nice. Comments sent to me by so many of you and on social media about my friend Alan Colmes who passed away and I just want you to know some of it is touch me deeply it means more than you will ever know and just reaching out with a kind word has meant a lot and I just wanted to start the show and say thank you I will say this my head nearly burst when I saw this vicious vile hateful I mean it is not no human being with a soul can do what sleep dot com did to Alan nobody can as if his family his wife Monica Crowley his manager Rory has it that's the out it's fine weave it and I did they are you have to be a human being without a soul to do that they just are I'm sorry to start that way I just have I am so angry about what they did it is so cruel so hurtful and so viciously mean it deserves to get called out nobody should ever read that garbage again. And by the way nobody's trying to shut down the press I interviewed President Bush we're going to be airing airing it in a installments Nobody's trying to shut down the press Donald Trump saying he just wants honest media which we don't have. Let's start with last night let's start at the Oscars by the way that one of the lowest rated ever doesn't surprise me and you know we have everything from you know 15 separate attacks against Donald Trump in one award show who has as many awards shows as the people in Hollywood how about when are we going to have the awards show for policemen and firemen and contractors when I'm going to have the war or war show for nurses and doctors and surgeons that saved people's lives what I'm going to have the award shows for you know the people that do most of the working and building of this country and serving their fellow human beings how about a war show for waiters and waitresses and bartenders how we do on for them how many award shows can these arrogant pompous jerks out in Hollywood have put on for themselves. In the town of Kerry and they'll have the book I can't stand these people. Anyway let's let's play some last night this broadcast is being watched live by millions of Americans and around the world the in more than 225 countries that now hate us thank you very much it's not the end of the last thing he says for a mini me gun I completely I will come on the ward and this is where the movie to get. You got. To say I was not. A popular thing to say but I want to say thank you to President from I mean remember last year want to seem like the Oscars were racist and all you people out there who feel like this is a mirror for you that your life is not reflected Cademy as your back to a c.e.o. You has your back we have your back the next 2 years you know you will you know if you cheat when everybody please try me giving Meryl Streep a totally under the surface round of applause you. Know. How they're going to have fun tonight I suppose by the way is that any Vonta. But some of you will get to come up here on the stage tonight and give a speech that the president of the United States will tweet about him in all caps during his 5 am vows movement tomorrow. And I think that's pretty darn excellent if you ask me yeah wonderful conservative talk about Obama's 5 am bowel movements how that would have gone over in the Obama years probably not too well so I got another self-congratulatory award show from the tolerant liberal left out in la la land patting themselves on the back predictably bashing a president you really think about this though you know these holier than thou elites what hypocrites they are they've distorted everything the president saying or doing they're ignorant on top of they don't know facts they don't understand anything and for whatever reason they think acting is so I acting is not hard. I mean the executive producer of a movie yeah it's hard to memorize lines and do the same thing over and over and over again but it's. I got a grip there's some talent to really good actors Jon Voight is a great actor but you know something these are the same people I want to remind you the same people that under their president that they liked than they supported and their candidate that would have continued the same failed policies do they give a rip $95000000.00 Americans who are out of the labor force $95000000.00 they care the lowest labor participation rate since the seventy's they cared $30000000.00 more Americans on food stamps $50000000.00 total that they care $8000000.00 more in poverty $50000000.00 Americans in poverty now they donating their their their private jets for innocent people that maybe they can sell their jet and give it to somebody else and fly commercial they're not struggling like the rest of us they don't care about the people in poverty on food stamps and I don't care about the people whose pay or the average family paying $5400.00 more a year for health care I don't care about one in 6 American men in jail or out of out of work living in mommy's basement they live in a bubble these people have giant liberal leader jet limousine bubble. And you reality you know your reality isn't theirs you know you have a bunch of overpaid Hollywood stars with very beautiful gowns is that dental care and is that. Is that going to lead them you know with their $550000.00 bags their 100000 dollar 250000 dollars pieces of jewelry their caviar their champagne you know that it just they discussed me residing in their mansions having their own armed private security flying in their private jets eating at the finest restaurants so their pictures could be taken drinking the best wine chauffeur driven livin driven limousines you think they give a rip about us the people have voted for Trump and by the way they're more insult that us and think we're stupid and they advocate policies that they're not affected by Hollywood wants to flood the country with unvetted refugees Well how about how about a Hollywood actor adopt a refugee program let's put them all in Beverly Hills wherever else they live let's put them in Malibu Let's see how quickly they change their minds what's even more disgusting is all the praise they heaped on this a rainy and filmmaker boycott of the show because of Trump's temporary temporary travel ban he comes from the number one state sponsor of terror a rant then he gives a statement that's read on his behalf and I'm thinking how about you lecture your own country about killing gays and lesbians and treating women like cattle and telling them how to dress and beating them if they don't submit to their husbands really I'm going to get lectures from an Iranian about America with a horrific treatment of any minority in Iran no thank you your oblivious out there to the fact that 7 countries impacted by the president's temporary ban. Pete women kill homosexuals and lesbians and treat religious minorities like Christians and Jews horribly and Iran like other countries you can't get in if you have an Israeli passport anybody in Hollywood going to stand up for that anyone in Hollywood going to stand up for the treatment of women they can they claim they support all these people but they don't they're lying phony still a whole bunch of them I'm not even to spend that much more time I just will tell you it's just discuss me and we should have open borders how why don't we vet people from countries that have ties to terror what's so bad about that we're going to gamble with the lives of Americans rather than inconvenience people that's what the choice comes down to it's the bottom line no wonder nobody's watching us anymore you know literally they give us rousing ovation to an Iranian filmmaker who belittles the inhumane us how about he talk about his own country are you people that dumb and ignorant on Hollywood it appears so you seem pretty stupid and they can't even get the best movie labeled right that's pretty dumb you guys look pretty dumb last night anyway enough for that and you know the funny thing is that's now the modern Democratic Party Robert Rice said the Democratic Party's not been in this bad shape since the twenty's and so what do we have so we have all the snowflakes an article today out in the New York Times weekend Democrats back out to the voters there opting for total war on Trump why cause the loudest voices are motivating them led by Hillary keep fighting keep protesting keep speaking out at town halls sorry you're a sore loser and thank God you didn't win now the media and Hollywood in the rest of the ignore for example n.b.c. News Wall Street Journal poll Americans now see the economy improving under Donald Trump. And his approval rating now as at 55 percent according to Rasmussen and some of the country most Americans say they're more hopeful and optimistic about the future than they've been in several years oh I bet Hollywood doesn't feel that way you know you've got By the way and people are fighting back and all they're doing is garnering more support for Trump and the border wall oh a politician that keeps his promises well that contract is going to be awarded in April so he's making promises progress there oh and for our brave men and women that have had 2 hands tied behind their back fighting radical Islam Well guess what there's new rules of engagement thanks to Donald Trump and this isn't an accident if you've been paying attention to the developments in Iraq you may have noticed that after years of a stalemate we're now making progress because now our troops can actually shoot the enemy again without asking them for identification if they are a member of ISIS before they pull the trigger which is what it had been unbelievable the whole thing now we have some other issues and all the talk by the liberal media the fake media you know about Russia let me read from the House Intelligence Committee chairman Devon noon yesterday he said I haven't seen any evidence so far that trunk campaign officials had any contact with Russian officials and that he said we still don't have any evidence of them talking to the Russians as he briefed reporters as the head of the House Intel Committee Chairman of the House Intel Committee and then he goes on to say as of right now the initial inquiries I made to the appropriate agencies I don't have any evidence any one part of any doesn't the media understand. And he said he's interested in evidence but it doesn't appear that the investigative agencies have it New York Times citing anonymous u.s. Officials reported earlier this week this month that trim campaign aides aides had repeated contacts but they couldn't prove it they said and in paragraph 3 and that's that's viewed as news today and it we're going to get to all of this and I'm so glad I've got to give the president props I've never been to a White House Correspondents' Dinner in my entire career is now 30 years since I started in radio and it's it's what 21 years on Fox I refuse you know why cause I don't like those people most of them there's a couple I like but not many and that you're going to what they don't like me either do they or and you've been there they hate seeing me. So I wasn't planning on going anyway so Elise just jealous of your good luck. Anyway 809 for one shot All right Newt Gingrich is going to win this in the bottom of this half hour then Congressman Jim Jordan what is going on why am I getting different ports from Dave Brat Mark Meadows and Paul Ryan we'll talk to Jim Jordan Betsy McCoy is going to weigh in on health care and we'll get back to our top story which is Hollywood with d.c. 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Dot com The views and opinions you hear on talk radio 680 w c b m m w c b m dot com are not necessarily those of the owners management employers and advertisers of w.c. But they should be. So I was in Dallas with President Bush over the weekend on Sunday and then I flew to Orlando to give a speech this morning to the National Religious Broadcasters actually before I did the same thing would see Pat before the conference even begins had a great time one of the things I tried to point out as these movies that they make in Hollywood are so awful and they're wondering why their ratings for the Oscars are down they're wondering why their box office is down there formulaic so predictable it's either sex or violence they love that and some of them hit but most of them fail or you know how many more cartoon movies can we see about Spider-Man Batman and Superman and I mean there's only so much we could take Adam ation I think is great for kids. That's fine I'm a problem with that but you know what's missing in Hollywood I like to go to movies that really really really show great strength characters my Gladiator and Braveheart on Mel Gibson's The Passion Of The Christ I mean really I mean those movies are incredible Mark Burnett Roma Downey do really good work together they're amazing in the in the films they put so I'm not plugging my movie here but we have a movie coming out it's called Let there be light. And it's a movie I've now screened it to 10 people and I didn't tell him I was involved in the movie I just want to get honest feedback and this was a rough cut of the movie it was in the final cut which should be done very shortly and in in the movie it's you you go on a journey and the journey is actually about one guy that is an atheist and the movie starts out very realistic he's debating a guy that's a strong Christian and the crowd is with the atheist and then you find out well this this atheist lost his kid at 9 years old and you find out he's a victim to alcoholism drugs and you know he left his wife he's a horrible father and it's a journey for him back to basically finding his soul again yes we do mention Jesus in the movie but it's bigger than that it's got a component where actually there's hope at the end of the tunnel for the world but it's also got a love story that is pretty deep and profound and that's about all I can tell you and the only reason I really want to do it is I'd love to drive these people out of business now it's not a big budget film but I put a lot of money into it and I think it'll move people that's the kind of thing Hollywood ought to be doing because what they're putting out is nothing but garbage gratuitous violence were 2 of the sex boring themes formulaic movies I'm so tired of these prima donna hypocrites. The simplicity in check by Bennett Senior Services north on the Harrisburg expressway avoid the ramp at Warren Road ramps now having a crush on him being cleared from the right lane on that exit ramp southbound right now still moving Ok to 695605 inner loop building volume from Washington Boulevard up through Wilkins Avenue and from 40 through security bull up artist logs from Charles Street through pairing Parkway Avenue now seeing some jams from Harvard through prank. Check out. If you'd like. To talk radio. To. Stay. Connected with the latest news talk radio. And. Good afternoon. News Center with the News at 331 shares of utilities companies and other dividend stocks pulled back today keeping gains in check for major indexes 30 minutes before the closing bell the Dow Jones Industrial Average was up 20 points 220-0423 the Nasdaq composite gained 12 governors from around the u.s. Say they're grateful that the White House is listening to their concerns about a health care overhaul but they still disagree on the best approaches for their states and the nation governors met today with President Trump and are also meeting with Republican congressional leaders Trump and g.o.p. Leaders have pledged to repeal and replace the 2010 health care law governors don't want to see costs passed on to states but differ on most other details the Department of Defense has presented its preliminary plan to defeat the Islamic state group White House press secretary Sean Spicer says the plan was delivered to the White House by Defense Secretary Jim Mattis the president is expected to address some of the details of that plan in his address to Congress tomorrow it's 55 degrees at the Inner Harbor and down to. Baltimore reporting at 332 I'm Michael Philip l e 680 w. C.b.s. News the biggest expense homeowners face today's exterior meet its any have to do it. 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This is the Sean Hannity Show on talk radio 680 w t v Yeah. Sean Hannity jocks are the people involved in the top stories of the day every day Sean Hannity is all this broadcast is being watched live by millions of Americans and around the world the in more than 225 countries that now hate us thank you very much it's not the end of the last think it is is for a mini me gun completely I woke up on the ward and this is for the old Eagle Ford the same guy. That said I don't maybe there's not. A popular thing to say but I want to say thank you the president from I mean remember last year want to seem like the Oscars were racist and all you people out there were like this you know you life's not reflect you Cademy has your back to a.c.l.u. Has your back we have your back for the next 2 years. When everybody please join me in giving Meryl Streep a totally undisturbed round of applause only. About. How we're going to have fun tonight I stressed by the way is that any Botha I. But somebody will come up here on the stage tonight and give a speech that the president of the United States will tweet about him in all caps during his 5 am voluble benchmark. And I think that's pretty darn excellent if you ask right 25 now until the top of the hour from last night's Oscars reports out Robert Rice this weekend said the Democratic Party has not been in this bad shape since the 1920 s. Jonathan Martin over at the New York Times writing weekend Democrats bowed to voters opting for a total war on Trump Hillary Clinton digging her heels in Hillary says the Democrats keep fighting protesting speaking out at town halls former speaker of the House Newt Gingrich is here to weigh in I doubt you're I doubt you watched it I only watched the headlines and what was one of the lowest rated Oscars in the history of the show by the way welcome back from vacation we did miss you a lot well songs like to say that I missed you a lot but. That's what I meant by tens of thousands of penguins on their new fan club now you want to tell everybody finally where you went there were in Antarctica we went down on seaborne and had just I cannot recommend it too early it's the only thing I've ever done that's comparable is going to Africa I mean you're you're out in the middle of all these penguins and whales and seals and ice and it's it is just making efficient and not a single penguin was proclaimed. To tell they were all working and one of them was on welfare. They had to earn their keep in the SEALs got a few of them I'm sure that's exactly right but anyway it was it was fabulous and we had a great time but but we were also connected by Internet the whole time so we stayed in touch and actually the ship's t.v. Got Fox So we were able to watch your show and other shows the whole time we were out and I don't even want to ask what time I on in Antarctica it's 2 hours ahead of our time Ok that's not too bad listen at all I just want your life at some point but anyway we did miss you welcome back and. You see the madness that is unfolding I do think that's article has it right I think right is right that the Democrats haven't been in this bad shape since the twenty's and I think now because the base is so loud now the Democratic Party is reacting with that vitriol and anger and then you saw what was on display last night at the Oscars what do you what do you when you put that all together what do you and how do you interpret that well a couple things went 1st of all this this has been a growing cultural civil war at that least going back to the period of Ronald Reagan and it's interesting it's Reagan who said that that in fact he was not worried about what liberals didn't know he was worried about what liberals knew that wasn't true and in many ways the whole attack on the news media and I've added evidence of expanded from fake news to fake education in many ways goes back to Reagan 64 speech for Goldwater and his 1st national television appearance so you had this growing schism in the country between frankly people who I think are not caves who believe in a world that doesn't exist and who have a fantasies about how the world ought to operate and it doesn't work that way these are the people who create places like Venezuela and where the whole system has collapsed totally and they're dominant in the in the entertainment medium they are dominant in the academic world and they're dominant in the elite news media and they all knew up until about 9 o'clock or 10 o'clock election night that Hillary Clinton was going to win a majority and you know it's going to be a crushing decisive victory and all of a sudden about 9 or 10 o'clock at night their world shattered and they have not recovered I mean these are people who in the classic sense of who were Russia's great book on death and dying they're still in the stage of denial and so what you see with them in the middle of a lot of these vicious comments you know if any conservative had responded to the Obama's with the viciousness and the vitriol all in the hate word. Though we are seeing they would have been condemned as racist they would have been ostracized when you saw and I was watching on Fox and Friends this morning the crowd that was booing during the prayer which also booed during the Pledge of Allegiance now I think we just have to have the guts to stand up to these kind of people and say wow you your vision of America is not our vision of America and I think that's where we are and Trump I hope retains the courage he's already shown and continues to stand up to him and I hope he's shown no signs of backing down I mean I think it was Ben Stein said on c.n.n. He said The media is looking for a scandal every day would trump to do to him what they did next and I do believe that's true but then when the president pulled out of the White House Correspondents' Dinner and there they are gassed they're so angry and his media beat down last week last week was amazing his press conference it was a total complete smack down I know I watched the whole thing and I thought to myself this is it doesn't get much better than that so that's what I was exactly what I was thinking and I just I think we should all try to encourage Spicer to get steadily tougher the longer this goes on I mean I don't care if we end up with the Washington press corps briefings being the Altoona local newspaper or the Carrollton Georgia weekly newspaper I mean I don't I have I see no obligation to take baloney from people who hate you and people who lie about you and I think you know Priebus has had this experience when the degree to which the c.n.n. And the york times when out of their way to lie about Priebus and the f.b.i. Is just it's just and it's why fake news is a legitimate term I'll give you an example honest news but we're not asking for positive news coverage what we're asking for is honest news coverage you know it's very interesting with all the talk about Russia we had the House Intelligence Committee chairman Devin Nuno saying today he hasn't seen a shred a single shred of evidence that the Trump campaign or officials within. From campaign at any contact with Russian officials he said we still don't have any evidence of them talking to the Russians and as of right now the initial inquiries I've made to the appropriate agencies I don't have any evidence none and I keep hearing it every day on fake news outlets that's exactly right and I think that is exactly how we should we should talk about these are fake news outlets and you know the freedom of speech or of the press means also the people are allowed to say things so if the if the president wants to quit criticize a reporter that's not an attack on the press that's an exercise of free speech is what this is supposed to be all about and these guys are so self-righteous and so determined that they are the moral arbiters of America that they're shocked that just mere politicians people who happen to get millions of votes have the temerity to criticize them you know what do you think so the Democrats have a bigger problem too because the party base is now threatening a revolt because Keith Ellison lost the d.n.c. Chairmanship on Saturday and they made him a co-chair a vice chair and Trump said that the d.n.c. Race was rigged and then Trump went out there and said Congratulations to Tom Perez who was named the chairman of the d.n.c. I couldn't be happier for him or the Republican Party is in America think in American Thinker piece out today that actually says they nominated and they now have as their chairman somebody who supported not only Shari'a law but illegal immigration and as an advocate wouldn't be in a labor secretary look I think that it is a sign of the times that even with President Obama apparently personally making phone calls Perot's did not win decisively and it's a sign of the times the president she was the Clinton Obama candidate who he was the old water candidate and I think there are there is a schism in their party I think it's going to get much worse and part of that's because the haters of the left the people who are chant. And yelling and disrupting the self-righteous who believe that they have the right to bully conservatives on campuses that they have the right to define moral of the on their own terms these people aren't going away and they get together in rooms funded by George Soros and others and I think the Democratic Party is an on the edge of what happened to the British Labor Party under Margaret Thatcher the Labor party got so angry at that or that by the 1987 election they were described as the loony left this is the loony left and it's getting worse here right now let me ask you even more than Thatcher This is a loony left of haters these people there's a lot of pain vicious I want to give you an opportunity obviously we have a friendship that goes back well over 25 years now and you in the course of Hannity and Colmes became very good friends with Alan I called into this program on Thursday and we talked a lot about it and I wanted to give you a chance to talk about it because I knew you and him had a very special relationship Well you know he concluded I always did his radio show we like him as a friend he was a very as you know he's a very sweet guy and he was that he was very close was concerned about people and he didn't care about your ideology cared about you as human being and we were just shattered by that we did not realise we want as close as you were didn't realise he'd been sick for less a couple months we were shattered to learn that he had died and we are closer to his family they must miss him terribly as I know you do want people who don't have this this this was a guy you know he was a liberal but he was a wonderful human being and he was a guy who could see beyond politics and beyond ideology he could be your friend he could be key he could genuinely care about you and he was always grateful and we always had this relationship because you know I both helped launch your show together yes you did and then when he went to radio I was his very 1st guest and he always would remind me of that and I think he never forgot the people that. It worked with some of those who had helped him and who he wanted to help so we're going to miss him a great deal I know that's been a very hard weekend for you just talking to people and the emotions because you are so close to him and you know you know what you know what happened many times you were together so when he came in and told me that he was sick and he was facing a real battle but what we thought he'd make it and he just we had we had a real I mean this was a heart to heart talk and the only thing that he cared about the most I can lose my hair I can do the same but I know my wife is not going to she's going to be way upset so he's in the middle of the biggest fight of his life and and that's the kind of guy he is he was thinking about his wife and his family and you're right we're going to miss him dearly and you were a great friend to him and I know people have a hard time understanding that people with political differences can be friends but it was all true and thank you for all your support of him and your kind words it means a lot to us we were appreciative on it's been great and you know Hannity and Colmes was a great team on a great product and I hope everybody who's listening will realize that Alan Colmes a pretty good model of being more human you know political Well said Mr Speaker I will see you tonight on Hannity the i.r.s. 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Hey you're listening to the Sean Hannity Show right here on Talk Radio 680 w c b. So as noted I were just discussing my dear friend Alan Colmes passed away he had an amazing life one of the most decent people you'll ever want to meet but I want to remind you of the great life that he did have both of us thought we were the luckiest people on earth and his quick wit and straight talking style brought him doing well. Teaming up with me to launch Hannity and Colmes. People agree with me or us the show goes on the show ended. By far the number one show. On cable news and consistently one of the top rated shows on cable. Sometimes grew a bit contentious. Combat some of his tough critics though I think it was. The year Alan found. I mean calling. In June 2003 he married Dr Elise Crowley a professor of public policy at Rutgers University and another major milestone just 4 months later his debut nonfiction book read white. Left is right and right is wrong never one of the down the controversy his hard hitting interview style made him admired by both political parties. To radio host to television live to entertain you the American people telling the new. And taking his audience through some of the most significant moments of our time today the Fox News Channel lost a very dear member of our family one of the nicest kindest friendliest people and a dear personal friend our friend Alan. Moore of the Sean Hannity show and talk radio. 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