This is v.o.a. News I m Jim Burchill a new hospital is open in China. Cope with the virus outbreak that has sickened more than 700000 people and killed at least 361 in China alone the World Health Organization says it expects the number of cases to grow as test results from thousands of pending cases come in Meanwhile the pandemic is having an economic impact on China s benchmark stock index Reuters Michelle Hennessy has more China s stock market suffered its worst drop any fine views on Monday is the virus hit mainland exchanges for the 1st time since the Lunar New Year holiday fears over the new coronavirus So investors selling the yuan and dumping commodities with around $400000000000.00 u.s. Dollars wiped from the Shanghai Composite Index the benchmark close nearly 8 percent lower the biggest one day drop since 2015 the ticker over around the Shanghai Stock Exchange which would have shown a plunge was shot off on Monday investors are bracing for volatility as the spread of the new
Hearing in this November s that it s not up to the Senate to pick the commander in chief leave it to the voters to choose their president but lead house and Pugin manager Adam Schiff mocked White House counsel pads simple Loney s argument he s guilty as sin but can t we just let the voters decide shift says no because they know the president cheated to win one election and will do it again 100 percent it takes a 2 thirds vote to remove the president meaning his acquittal is all but certain in the g.o.p. Led Senate come Wednesday Saager Megami Washington China is accusing the United States of whipping up panic over the fast spreading coronavirus with travel restrictions and evacuations the death toll in China rose to $361.00 on Monday Reuters Michel Hennessy reports the pandemic is having an impact on China s benchmark stock index China s stock market suffered its worst drop and maybe find views on Monday as the virus hit mainland reopened its exchanges for the 1st time since the Lunar
An impeachment charges against him that became apparent last night with Senate Republicans promising to hold firm in denying the Democrats the votes they need to subpoena witnesses key among them former trump national security adviser John Bolton we have a report from the a peace agreement Ghani Tennessee s Lamar Alexander says he is against calling for more testimony he says House Democrats have proven their case that the president withheld military aid from Ukraine at least partly in exchange for political investigations but says that s not impeachable and there s no need for more evidence Alexander was among a handful of Republicans considering whether to vote for witnesses for a need to join Democrats and that afeard Susan Collins says she will let Mitt Romney is expected to join her but unless 2 more side on the trial could end quickly with the president acquitted as soon as today Saugor maggoty Washington u.s. Secretary of state Mike Pompei was in Ukraine for an official visit h
To come every American should be concerned that Speaker Pelosi doesn t trust us this is represented by the Carter Ga who should lead our great country this impeachment process isn t focused on strengthening and protecting our political foundations but rather shaping public opinion I ask you is it worth that not only is the process alarming but as wasting taxpayers dollars and valuable time that elected officials could be using to move our country forward that includes securing our borders addressing student loan debt our bringing down the cost of health care and prescription drugs are all of my colleagues while considering these articles to ask themselves whether this is truly being done for the good of the country. Thank you batter Mr Speaker and I yield back the gentlemen Uzbeki the gentleman from New York Mr Neville or. Would you mind the gentlemen that after recovering millions of dollars in gotten gains the most investigation was actually a net plus for the taxpayers I now recog