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An impeachment charges against him that became apparent last night with Senate Republicans promising to hold firm in denying the Democrats the votes they need to subpoena witnesses key among them former trump national security adviser John Bolton we have a report from the a peace agreement Ghani Tennessee's Lamar Alexander says he is against calling for more testimony he says House Democrats have proven their case that the president withheld military aid from Ukraine at least partly in exchange for political investigations but says that's not impeachable and there's no need for more evidence Alexander was among a handful of Republicans considering whether to vote for witnesses for a need to join Democrats and that afeard Susan Collins says she will let Mitt Romney is expected to join her but unless 2 more side on the trial could end quickly with the president acquitted as soon as today Saugor maggoty Washington u.s. Secretary of state Mike Pompei was in Ukraine for an official visit he's predicting American companies will see a benefit in doing business there we see the economic opportunities for American businesses coming here we talked about a handful of them just this morning companies by name will project presence Lizzie will be welcome to come to Washington when we have an opportunity to do good things for the Ukrainian people in the American people will get it done I'm confident of that it is a huge departure day for the u.k. 2 days after the European Parliament formally approved it it comes after years of political turmoil in London 6 need since the 2016 blocks at referendum next comes a one year transition period today figures to be a day of both celebrations and protests in Great Britain as the country enters a new era British Prime Minister Boris Johnson who campaigned on a pro Bracks it platform is scheduled to address the nation later today to stay up to date with all the news we invite you online to our website below News dot com from Washington this is v.o.a. News the Australian Health Minister today confirmed there are now 9 cases of the coronavirus in the country Australia's returning from Move On and who. A province in China the epicenter of the virus outbreak are being quarantined on Christmas Island many countries are evacuating their citizens the United States is warning its nationals to avoid travel to China so is Japan and Pakistan has halted all flights to and from China and will delay the opening up a key border crossing with its neighboring country more than 300 South Koreans arrived home early today from China authorities say they'll be quarantined a 2 champ or a facilities to return east were met by ambulances as their plane parked on the tarmac in Seoul Beijing is reporting nearly 10000 cases of the coronavirus reaching out nationwide from Han with some 213 deaths Japanese citizens are being repatriated from China a plane load arrived home today meanwhile Tokyo is trying to tamp down rumors that the epidemic could result in the cancellation of the Summer Olympics reportedly a piece Charles Dillard asthma till denies a say in a statement to The Associated Press we have never discussed counseling the games and that's to get 20 twentieth's to continue to collaborate with the International Olympic Committee and relevant organizations and we'll review any countermeasures that may be necessary as all the consolation could spread it to pound with the Poles that the Swiss based. Has met with the will the Health Organization about the outbreak of the w.h.o. Has cooled the virus a global emergency the lympics I've been on July 24th just on the 6 months away I'm Charles there with his mom Americans arriving home from China are talking about both the reality and the abiding fear of the virus here is the a.p. Said Donohue people arriving at Los Angeles International Airport say fears of the virus definitely impacted their business nobody goes on the street every shop of course is nothing to do it's now 5 days do visit her family in Shenzhen there's no same time for the 1st like a $1.00 to $2.00 weeks so that means he could carry the virus without knowing that lesion spam Lee is inching do away from the epicenter of the virus I believe they can contend especially and I'll cite all. But where they will has a very hard to say more u.s. Air carriers are stopping flights to China because of the virus I made Donna here. Iran's missile attacks on 2 Iraqi bases this month is putting a spotlight on traumatic brain injuries here in the United States this as the number of u.s. Troops who suffered such injuries has grown beyond the 50 reported earlier this week the initial reports were that no one suffered those injuries Gene Randall v.o.a. News. It's more like the only one. Justin Timberlake and Chris Stapleton kick and things off inside v.o.a. One the heads My name is a lady d.j. Officially you know I'm super happy to be here with you promised I've come back so I Let's get some Jonas Brothers and some Billy Eilish this hour ha and somehow is the I got the new one from harbor 1st it's our Larson with all the time. That's how you should be sad her latest on the one the 6th single from her album a manic which was inspired interestingly by should not be said she was listening to a lot of. Her. Some of that in. The. . This is below a one. Welcome to learning English a daily 30 minute program from the Voice of America on Jonathan Evans and I'm Ashley Thompson this program is aimed at English learners so we speak a little slower and we use words and phrases especially written for people learning English thanks. Today on the program you will hear from Brian Lee and Alice Bryant. Later we will present our American history series The Making of a nation but 1st. The market research company Nielsen reports that Vietnam has one of the world's highest rates of consumer savings but observers disagree on whether it is a good saw and 69 percent of Vietnamese surveyed said they put extra money into savings that compares with 66 percent of people in China and to 62 percent in Indonesia as a developing nation Vietnam is becoming increasingly wealthy the country's citizens are saving more just as many people in countries all around the world but observers such as being of Deutsche Bank and former us Federal Reserve chair then as spurning worry there is a surplus of savings in the world economy they say that can misrepresent the larger investment environment and lead to negative entrust rates negative entrust rates mean people would have to pay to keep their savings in a bank in the us surplus savings have pushed the stock market to record highs experts say the market is nearing a bubble a bubble happens when there is a sudden increase in price over a short time period that is not supported by the value of a product in Vietnam the extra savings has also led to an asset bubble especially in the housing market. Vietnam's economy is growing quickly but experts disagree on how to explain the wealth that is being created researchers at the company Oxford analytic say there may not be enough of productive investments available savers are investing in luxury real estate that is feeding a bubble but Nielsen Vietnam says being able to save so much money is a good sign from consumers Louise Hawley is managing director at Nielsen Vietnam she told v.o.a. That as more and more people feel more certain about their future they are saving more rather than spending today however the high savings rate could also mean people worry they will need the money for retirement this means Vietnam is part of a global trend identified by Chada he noted that savings rates are going up even though entrust rates are going down he says people are not saving money to earn entrust instead sees this as a side that people are saving because they fear they will not have enough money in the future Vietnam's savings rate is not uncommon for it and argued that Asia especially China has earned so much from exports that the money has aided a worldwide savings surplus recently Vietnam has also become one of the developing Asian nations with high exports and a surplus. Like China Vietnam uses its surplus to buy u.s. Treasury bonds the high demand for u.s. Bonds is also a reason the u.s. Does not have to pay a lot of entrust on its bonds the Us helps to lower interest rates the it not I'm also uses it's surplus to buy a lot of foreign money mostly u.s. Dollars The u.s. Treasury complained in a report this month that this helps increase the value of u.s. Dollars and lower the value of the Vietnamese currency Vietnam's exports seem even cheaper at a time when the trumpet ministration wants u.s. Consumers to buy fewer Vietnamese products still Hallie said there is reason for hope in Vietnam her company's December survey showed Vietnam has one of the world's highest levels of consumer confidence just after India and the Philippines. Astronauts aboard the International Space Station recently tested and oven they used to bake 5 chocolate chip cookies we now know the results of that experiment the cookies took a lot longer to bake in space than on Earth the cookies that came out best required 2 hours of baking time inside the International Space Station the baking time for cookies on earth is generally only about 20 minutes the cookies returned to Earth earlier this month aboard a space x. Built spacecraft that splashed down in the Pacific Ocean the cookies are the 1st food baked in space from raw food materials they remain frozen in a laboratory in Houston Texas the American company nano racks designed and built the cookie oven. Hilton Doubletree Hotel Zz supplied the cookie dough the makers of the oven did expect some difference in the baking time and space but they were surprised that that difference was so large there's still a lot to look into to figure out really what's driving that difference but definitely a cool result said Mary Murphy she is with the company national racks which is based in Texas Murphy said the baking results will continue to be examined in order to better understand why space baking took so much longer in addition researchers will study the effectiveness of the baking tray which was designed to work in microgravity conditions the 5 chocolate chip cookies were frozen when they were sent to space each had to be baked separately in the oven Attalia an astronaut Luca Parmitano took charge of the baking experiment in December he reported that the 1st cookie stayed in the oven for 25 minutes at one $149.00 degrees Celsius when it came out of the oven it was seriously under baked for the next 2 cookies Parma Tano more than doubled the baking time those cookies came out better but were still under baked the 4th cookie stayed in the oven for 2 hours after which Parma Tano was able to report success. I can't tell you whether it's cooked all the way or not but it certainly doesn't look like cookie dough any more he reported to controllers back on Earth for the 5th cookie Parmitano turned the oven temperature up to $163.00 degrees Celsius and baked it for 130 minutes this time he reported the best baking results no one has tasted the space travelling cookies just yet organizers of the experiment say additional testing will need to be carried out to determine whether they are safe to eat. Brian land. Hi everyone thanks for listening to every day grammar if you listen often and find the material easy to understand you probably have been practicing English for a long time that's great it means you have made a lot of progress since you 1st began. Well maybe there are a few things you'd still like to work on so I've got a question for you what are you willing to do to improve your English the idea of being willing to do something is the subject of today's every day grammar program native English speakers use the phrase often so you'll hear and see it everywhere the phrase be willing to gets its meaning from the adjective willing the adjective willing means to be ready eager or prepared to do something know that being willing to do something is not the same as wanting to do it the idea is just that you don't need to be persuaded listen again to my earlier question what are you willing to do to improve your English in other words what are you ready or prepared to do to get better in English now let's talk about how to form sentences with be willing to the structure of the phrase is b. Plus willing plus an infinitive verb you probably remember that the infinitive form of verbs is 2 plus the simple form so in my question about improving English I use the infinitive to do as for the main verb I used are in the example as you know are is the present form of b. The b. Verb can also change tenses for example your English is really good I can see you are willing to work hard to improve it. Or he was willing to stay late to finish the job notice the suggestion of a cost in those 2 examples being willing to do something often means making an investment or sacrifice improving your English requires effort and time and the person who stayed late to finish the job probably sacrificed his plans for the evening it makes sense then that the phrase be willing to can also take a negative form to show someone does not agree to make an investment or sacrifice he wasn't willing to stay late to finish the job his family was expecting him for dinner we also sometimes add a condition to say that someone is willing only if something else happens here's what a person might say the couple is willing to buy the car if the owner makes some repairs in this statement The condition is repairs on the vehicle someone might also be willing to do something if it helps others or a greater purpose imagine you are working on a creative video project with a coworker you are the main video creator when your partner sees what you have made he says this I like your video but it is too long for our show are you willing to cut the ending you say yes even though you like the ending later your coworker says Are you willing to show Sam how to use the video software today is his 1st day. You say yes again even though you are really really busy but welcoming a new coworker is more important in these examples being willing means you are able to accept something the maining has to do with valuing cooperation Well that's all for today and with the same question I started with What are you willing to do to improve your English I'm Alice Bryant. Welcome to the making of a nation American history in Vail way special English and new leaders stood before the American people on March 4th 1913 he was Woodrow Wilson the 28th president of the United States Wilson belonged to the Democratic Party he was progressive in his belief that government should take an active part in efforts for social reforms Cagle and and Harry Monroe begin the story of Wilson's president say. Woodrow Wilson had spent most of his life at Princeton University 1st he was a professor then he was university president next Wilson was elected governor of the state of New Jersey. His early success as governor made him a leading candidate for the Democratic presidential nomination in $1012.00 Wilson traveled widely around the country during the campaign he made speeches to many groups he tried to make himself and his ideas known to as many Americans as possible Wilson called his program the new freedom one of his campaign promises was to fight for better conditions for America's small business owners such proposals helped him win the Democratic nomination for president then he defeated President William Howard Taft and former President Theodore Roosevelt in the election Woodrow Wilson the former president of the university had become the president of a nation the largest crowd in Washington d.c. As history welcomed Wilson outside the Capitol building on the day of his inauguration he called on the American people to join him in making the country a better place our duty Wilson said is to correct the evil without hurting the good. I call all honest men all patriotic all forward looking men to my side. Wilson wasted no time he immediately called a special session of Congress to act on Democratic campaign promises to reduce import taxes or tariffs Wilson felt strongly about the need to reform these taxes he broke tradition by leaving the White House to appear before Congress in person to appeal for his tariff proposals many members of Congress opposed Wilson's plans but the new president used the results of his Senate investigation to win the fight the investigation showed that a number of senators owned companies that depended on high tariffs for their profits the votes of these senators were influenced by their property holdings public knowledge of the situation forced many of them to give up their holdings and stop resisting tariff reform Congress finally approved Wilson's proposals lower tariffs reduced the amount of money taken in by the federal government so the Senate also approved a tax on income or earnings a constitutional amendment had been passed earlier to permit such a tax. President Wilson I under the Democratic Party were pleased with the new tariffs and income tax bills but they were far from finished next they turned their efforts to reform of the banking industry for several years many people had recognized the need for changes in the banking system the old the system of on controlled private banks had developed years earlier before the United States became a major industrial nation many people agreed that a more modern system was needed but they could not agree on details President Wilson said control of the nation's wealth was held by too few men he noted a report that said just 2 men controlled 10 percent of the total wealth of the United States Wilson said the nation needed a money supply that could be increased or reduced when necessary to correct economic conditions he said a method was needed to let banks help each other during economic emergency and he said laws were needed to prevent a few wealthy men from using the economic resources of the country for their own purposes finally Wilson said that control of this system of banking must be public not private it must belong to the government itself Wilson called his proposal for a central bank the Federal Reserve System. Under the plan the nation would be divided into 12 areas each area would have its own Federal Reserve Bank these area banks would not do business with the public they would serve only as bankers banks and they would issue a new form of money supported by the federal government most important the leaders of the new system would be chosen by the government not by private business. Bankers business leaders and their representatives in Congress sharply criticized President Wilson's proposals they said government control of the banking system was socialism not capitalism. But Wilson refused to change his proposals and he helped to lead the fight to make them law finally Congress agreed it did not take long for bankers to discover that the new system was much better than the old one today the Federal Reserve System is one of the most important institutions in the United States for Woodrow Wilson the fight over the banking system was yet another political success he had one major reforms in the nation's tariffs taxes and banking systems. Noah he told Congress that new legislation was needed to control the power of monopoly is and trusts Levy is word the giant companies and business alliances that controlled complete industries Wilson proposed a new antitrust law to control the actions of large companies his supporters in Congress wrote a bill that listed a number of business activities that no longer would be permitted for example no longer could a company set prices that would reduce competition or create a monopoly no longer could corporations buy stocks of competing companies no longer could they demand that a store refused to sell competing products the new bill also protected labor unions from being charged with antitrust violations it gave unions more power to organize and protect workers at President Wilson's request Congress also prepared a law that set up a government agency called the Federal Trade Commission that commission was given the job of investigating wrongdoing in business it had the power to force companies to obey the new antitrust laws and other rules. Both the antitrust law and the Federal Trade Commission helped protect small business owners from the power of business giants once again the proposals caused a fierce debate but once again Congress finally voted to give Wilson most of what he wanted. The early months of Wilson's term where one of the most successful times in the history of any president the new president had won the election by promising major reforms in the economic life of the country and he had kept that promise the reforms were not only a victory for Woodrow Wilson they also changed the face of American business and economics for many years to come be income tax for example grew to become the federal government's main source of money Woodrow Wilson had taught history in the days when he was a professor at Princeton University he knew his actions as president could influence the country for a long time but as a historian he also knew his own term in the White House could be changed by unexpected events that is just what happened Wilson campaigned for president mainly on national issues but he soon was forced to spend more and more time on international issues his 1st big problem was across the United States southern border in Mexico. And that's our program for today listen again tomorrow to learn English 3 stories from around the world I'm Jonathan Evans and I'm Ashley Thompson.

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