Today happens to be Smita’s birthday and Aishwarya took to social media to wish her and at the same time express how she is important to her in life. She shared that she misses Smita and that she loves her unconditionally. |
MUMBAI : For the past two years, Zee TV's Bhagya Lakshmi has captivated its audience with its engaging plot and the twists and turns in the lives of Lakshmi (Aishwarya Khare) and Rishi (Rohit Suchanti |
MUMBAI: Over the past two years, Zee TV's Bhagya Lakshmi has kept its audience entertained with its gripping storyline and the twists and turns in Lakshmi (Aishwarya Khare) and Rishi’s (Rohit Suchanti |
MUMBAI: Over the past two years, Zee TV's Bhagya Lakshmi has kept its audience entertained with its gripping storyline and the twists and turns in Lakshmi (Aishwarya Khare) and Rishi’s (Rohit Such |
Currently, Rishi comes home and talks to Neelam and even though she is happy with him coming back, she expresses how she felt sad when he left home. |