Bollywood actor Akshay Kumar turns a year older on September 9. Today as the actor turns 55, let s take a look at some of his upcoming movies and get a sense of what we can expect in years to come.
MUMBAI — Salman Khan and bête noire John Abraham will clash with their “Antim: The Final Truth” and “Satyameva Jayate 2” releasing on Nov. 26 and 25 respectively.
Akshay Kumar has thanked a former Army officer for pointing out a mistake in Gorkha's poster. "Any suggestions to get it closest to reality would be most appreciated," he wrote.
After collaborating with Aanand L Rai on Atrangi Re and Raksha Bandhan, Akshay Kumar is all set to bring forth the biopic of the iconic war hero Major General Ian Cardozo in Gorkha. The film will be directed by Sanjay Puran Singh.