Alexander Smalls is a classically trained musician who became a renowned, professional opera singer. He’s also a James Beard Award-winning chef, a restaurateur, and cookbook author. He will be appearing at the Decatur Book Festival to discuss his new volume, "Meals, Music, and Muses: Recipes from My African American
2020 taught me how much the world has changed. Fri Jan 1, 2021 Toward the end of 2020, a difficult year for many, I found myself feeling something I d never felt before. I yearned for a believers Christmas. By believer I mean anyone, including non-Christians, who recognizes the Christian roots of Christmas, who respects and participates in the impact of that tradition, who knows that there is more to this life than the material, and who feels part of a community formed by Christianity, and wants that community to continue. In 2020, I yearned for the public, shared, communal Christmas I remember from my childhood. That Christmas was significantly contributed to by Catholics and Protestants, Jews and Atheists, gays and straights. Now I know that that Christmas is gone and will most likely not return in my lifetime.